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on the lookout...

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  • on the lookout...

    Right then, one of my dubs has sold, so i can start the search, obviosuly the longer i can resist,t he more i may begin to save - right now I got a grand - shoudl i hold fire for a while or could i get something decentish - not scared of a little work, and not planning any off road yet - just want to get used to running round in soemthing not 20mm from the floor

    any suggestions or know of anything good???

  • #2
    shoudl say, I'm located abot 40 miles west of london, so the closer the better!!


    • #3
      i would hold out for one that really takes your fancy and not jump at the first one.There will be a better one round the corner.


      • #4
        Originally posted by stormforce View Post
        i would hold out for one that really takes your fancy and not jump at the first one.There will be a better one round the corner.

        thats always the case.. last motor i bought, not seen one for sale for ages, then as soona s i bought it, loads were for sale!!

        I really really like the look of this one on the bay - the black really works for me, even tho its t'other end of the country!


        but the ideal for me, is at the moment - scorpions - again, t'other end of the country and no doubt by time i got my money together it'll be sold!!

        this just works!!

        I dont mind travelling, but it all adds to that purchase cost!!


        • #5
          I wouldn't pay no more than what its at at the moment due to the fault light etc.Its more than likely an easy fix but it could be an exspensive fix.I have black arch ext's here at £10 each plus p&p


          • #6
            cheers mate

            thats the kind of look I'd like, swmbo has spoken and said she would like bullbars and spots (which i agree) and I kinda prefer without the rear wheel mounted on the rear - but we are easily pleased, and a set of arches to make it looka bit beefier would be nice.. but all things that can be added..

            I'm due some overtime so paypacket end of november could be nice, but I am very impatient and want one now!!!


            • #7
              You the same Lawsy from UKssat's?
              I used to lurk on there a bit, as i used to have a low B4, but got sick of ripping the arches over all the speedhumps.

              I went the impatient route, found a Surf last month on eBay for less than 1k, with lowish miles (120k on a '91) cosmetically its a bit scruffy, but has a bag full of receipts for all the recent works on the engine, new head, belts, turbo, etc.
              Runs great, as i do quite a lot of miles a week, and i'm allowed to sort out the cosmetics (so she says)

              Happy surfing!!!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Jools T View Post
                You the same Lawsy from UKssat's?
                I used to lurk on there a bit, as i used to have a low B4, but got sick of ripping the arches over all the speedhumps.

                Happy surfing!!!!!
                The very same..

                this is what I've just sold... and for the same reasons..

                got another one to go yet as well, but I'm in that impatient boat - spend less on purchase, get it quicker, then it time more dosh to spend on doing up...

                if anyone see's anything before my budget increases thats around a grand that looks good, let me know please


                • #9
                  www.amcbs.webeden.co.uk www.xjrestorations.co.uk

