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Heater control Wanted list

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  • #31
    Originally posted by greeley View Post
    what do you do and how much is it,
    Basicly take the heater unit apart and replace the existing duff lights for ultra-brights leds, the original lighting consists of not very bright greenish leds on a pcb that light up the "function in use" button, (small slit at the top of each button,) all the symbol's and sliders are lit by two plug in bulbs, these are also not very bright even when new, they trasmit light (ahah) through two clear plastic defuser type things to all the function buttons and the sliders, what i have to do is saw the back off these plastic things and drill em out to take leds, this lights up the sliders, then drill small (1mm) holes through the palstic bits and fit leds with the tails bent so the leds faces into the back of the button, this lights up the symbols on the button fronts,
    when i do the first one i'll take a load of stage by stage pics and put em on here if anyone fancys a go at it, aint difficult just dam fiddley,
    the pics of mine are a bit confuseing as i fitted several colours to match up with the instruments but as Toyotatony points out the ones that shine through the slide controll shine through a backing that already red and blue
    so my pics have stacke of wiring which aint really needed (as you can see)
    the ones i'm doing for you guys will either be a straight plug in (if i can find the pin out) or will have just two, wires comeing out which you connect to a dash lighting source like the fag lighter illumination lpug (or the side lights)

    price well! parts will be aprox a fiver per and should you feel the need send me a couple of bob but it aint nessiary
    Attached Files
    Last edited by POPEYE; 25 October 2010, 19:12.
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #32
      Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
      Basicly take the heater unit apart and replace the existing duff lights for ultra-brights leds, the original lighting consists of not very bright greenish leds on a pcb that light up the "function in use" button, (small slit at the top of each button,) all the symbol's and sliders are lit by two plug in bulbs, these are also not very bright even when new, they trasmit light (ahah) through two clear plastic defuser type things to all the function buttons and the sliders, what i have to do is saw the back off these plastic things and drill em out to take leds, this lights up the sliders, then drill small (1mm) holes through the palstic bits and fit leds with the tails bent so the leds faces into the back of the button, this lights up the symbols on the button fronts,
      when i do the first one i'll take a load of stage by stage pics and put em on here if anyone fancys a go at it, aint difficult just dam fiddley,
      the pics of mine are a bit confuseing as i fitted several colours to match up with the instruments but as Toyotatony points out the ones that shine through the slide controll shine through a backing that already red and blue
      so my pics have stacke of wiring which aint really needed (as you can see)
      the ones i'm doing for you guys will either be a straight plug in (if i can find the pin out) or will have just two, wires comeing out which you connect to a dash lighting source like the fag lighter illumination lpug (or the side lights)

      price well! parts will be aprox a fiver per and should you feel the need send me a couple of bob but it aint nessiary
      well mate,count me in and dont suppose you have a unit there to use and send to me and ilpay for that or do you need mine,just easier that way as then i dont have my dash in bits


      • #33
        Originally posted by greeley View Post
        well mate,count me in and dont suppose you have a unit there to use and send to me and ilpay for that or do you need mine,just easier that way as then i dont have my dash in bits
        if you see Stormforce's first post, he's prob be able to sort you a replacement on an exchange/deposit basis (i think) or you could send me your direct but it means haveing you dash stripped out for several days, just seems easier and quicker to get hold of a replacement,
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #34
          The pics look different to my unit. Can this mod be done on a Gen 3. If so, add me to the list.


          • #35
            the gen 3's are totally different Mark.Unfortunately 3rd gens are like rocking horse shite to get as breakers at the moment but i am looking for one if you hear of one going reasonable


            • #36
              Not sure about the 3rd gen ones (or the earlier non push button units) but if it comes apart i gues i would be possible, as Rich said you'd need to get hold of a spare unit for me to have a go at, wouldn't like go go and f##k up yours
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #37
                Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                if you see Stormforce's first post, he's prob be able to sort you a replacement on an exchange/deposit basis (i think) or you could send me your direct but it means haveing you dash stripped out for several days, just seems easier and quicker to get hold of a replacement,
                could you sort it with stormforce for me and let me know what to do,my num 07521611543,gimme a call 2moz if you want to sort it.tanks


                • #38
                  Greeley.I will need to wait now till i get some returns back and then i can send another batch off to Ian for him to do his work.I'll put you on the list and once i get 5 more units i will wait for the go ahead from Ian and then send them to him.The unit will be £20 to me and then you will need to pay Ian his fee and once you send me your original unit i will refund £17


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by greeley View Post
                    could you sort it with stormforce for me and let me know what to do,my num 07521611543,gimme a call 2moz if you want to sort it.tanks

                    we'll have to see how many units Stormy can get hold of, and take it from there, unless guys send one to me direct i was going to do em in the oder of first come first served like the list in post 1,
                    the exchange idea was a goodun as it'll help keep a fair supply of units and stop em becomeing rare as rocking horse $hit
                    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                    • #40
                      my paypal is stormforce1067@sky.com
                      Heater control Wanted list
                      For those on the list or wanting to go on a list for the heater control mod then please add your name to this list.I will send the controls to Popeye for him to do his work.The control units i will do for £20 delivered to p[opeye and then it will be whatever he charges on top for doing his stuff.
                      What will happen the list will be closed at 10 and then when the first 5 have been sorted then the list will start again as it will give time to get more control units and for Ian to get them made up
                      1/Growler ............paid

                      Last edited by stormforce; 26 October 2010, 19:51.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by POPEYE View Post
                        we'll have to see how many units Stormy can get hold of, and take it from there, unless guys send one to me direct i was going to do em in the oder of first come first served like the list in post 1,
                        the exchange idea was a goodun as it'll help keep a fair supply of units and stop em becomeing rare as rocking horse $hit
                        well what i could do is when my new one from you has arrived i can send you my old one


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by greeley View Post
                          well what i could do is when my new one from you has arrived i can send you my old one
                          To save Ian getting mixed up if you pay me for the unit to start with and then i will send 5 off at the same time for Ian to do and then i will refund you £17 for your unit once you have fitted the new one.This way me and Ian can keep track of who has had theirs and no-one jumps the queue


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                            To save Ian getting mixed up if you pay me for the unit to start with and then i will send 5 off at the same time for Ian to do and then i will refund you £17 for your unit once you have fitted the new one.This way me and Ian can keep track of who has had theirs and no-one jumps the queue
                            will do bud,send payment 2moz and then lemme know when youn want my address to send the unit.how long am i waiting,roughly


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by greeley View Post
                              will do bud,send payment 2moz and then lemme know when youn want my address to send the unit.how long am i waiting,roughly
                              Wait till the first five are sorted and then i'll take payment for the next 5 on the list.That way everything is kept steady and we won't get mixed up


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                                Wait till the first five are sorted and then i'll take payment for the next 5 on the list.That way everything is kept steady and we won't get mixed up
                                ok,well just let me know when your ready mate,ive sent my num

