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facebook haters
Used in the right way, facebook is great for sharing stuff - it's just that there are too many ways to use it wrongly! everything should be set to 'simple don't show anyone anything' mode first and then you should be introduced to stuff gradually - but it's more like you need a degree in facebook just to make it useable - fine for those of us who use computers day in, day out (I maintain the servers that Tesco.com runs on) and even then it's an annoyance having to actually play about with it so much just to make it the way you want! can't imagine what it must be like for the more casual computer user - judging by this thread, looks like it's f#*king annoying!======
Just gotta finish doing the next mod...
My daughter is on facebook and all they seem to do is bitch about eachother and talk about useless crap.
My son spends every minute he gets on it to the point that everything else around him doesn't exist.
But I'm just a grumpy old git so what do I know.If at first you don't succeed.........give up.
I use it now n then to keep in touch with people I met while in OZ and elsewhere, but agree its mostly $hit with friends invitations and online game type applications which I have no time for and ignore both, especially the "friends" who I see around town but are only acquaintances or those who want me to do their weddings cheap, as a "friend", some friend, give me a load of work for no dosh, I can live without these friends. H
well i have use the internet for about 14 years now
i hate face book for this reason
its the main thing that new internet users go for
it learns ya fek all
my wife is on a planet of her own when she's on face book
but once they discover the net for what it is
face book becomes pointless to me anyway
iam into learning not gossip thats the main reason to me
its full of useless boolicks nowt the learn on face book other than the latest gossip
i like to learn even if its about how road cones are made (read that the other night)
the web is full of info anything you want to know is out there
i know this past 14 years of the internet i wasted time playing games online
but i soon learnt that i was wasteing my time
one life thats all ya have one chance one life thats it no second chances
so after 5 years of face book what ya learnt then? or what do you think you will learn off facebook?
it full of gossip
iam supprised that a lot of men do facebook to have a gossip
shows how sad this world is becomeing
i will stick to me learning about any boolicks i please
while most of you have a gossip
facebook will leave you brain dead its a factam not die lex sick its you that cant read mate
Originally posted by slobodan View PostI might be up your way in a week or two, I'll call in on you.
My teacher told me my grammer was sh!t.
I said "well, your grandad's a w4nker"am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate