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Wheels stolen 29/9/10

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  • #91
    Originally posted by puddlesurfer View Post
    She should do Pussy cat dolls - dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me!
    I could put in a good word if you like!
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #92
      Originally posted by gwh200 View Post
      It's the new caring,sharing me. I'm not prepared to put things in perspective...I'm proud to be indignant. Quite why it should be acceptable to relinquish your property without as much as a backward glance...
      If I found out who it was I'd employ the full weight of the law. After all the suspended sentence/fine payable at a quid a week...or whatever derisory sentence is meted out, why I'd shrug my shoulders once more and put it down to 'perspective'.
      And now you are being silly.

      Putting things into perspective doesnt mean that you should find it acceptable to relinquish your property without a backward glance, and I think you well know it

      This morning when Tony found out his wheels had gone, somebody, somewhere in this land was being told that they, their offspring, their husband/wife was dead or had an incurable debilitating, life threating illness, go and find that person and tell them " never mind that, my wheels just got nicked"
      Thats what I and most other people mean by putting things into perspective. Nobody is suggesting that getting stuff nicked is good, or that you need to accept it quietly and shrug, nobody is suggesting that you cant get angry or sad or whatever, but there is no harm in pointing out to the offended person that theres worse things happening all around, and this is usually done in order to make the person feel better. As my old mum used to tell me when I was a kid and whining about some real or imagined injustice "is that all !! theres people lying between white sheets" which I think was maybe a hospital/illness reference, and she was right.

      Сви можемо


      • #93
        Punch over a couple of brick walls mate it works for me !


        • #94
          Originally posted by western uk View Post
          Punch over a couple of brick walls mate it works for me !
          Naa my knuckles would bleed!
          Oh Nana, what's my name?


          • #95
            Originally posted by western uk View Post
            Punch over a couple of brick walls mate it works for me !
            Not if it's my brick walls it wont
            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


            • #96
              Originally posted by Bogus View Post
              And now you are being silly.

              Putting things into perspective doesnt mean that you should find it acceptable to relinquish your property without a backward glance, and I think you well know it

              This morning when Tony found out his wheels had gone, somebody, somewhere in this land was being told that they, their offspring, their husband/wife was dead or had an incurable debilitating, life threating illness, go and find that person and tell them " never mind that, my wheels just got nicked"
              Thats what I and most other people mean by putting things into perspective. Nobody is suggesting that getting stuff nicked is good, or that you need to accept it quietly and shrug, nobody is suggesting that you cant get angry or sad or whatever, but there is no harm in pointing out to the offended person that theres worse things happening all around, and this is usually done in order to make the person feel better. As my old mum used to tell me when I was a kid and whining about some real or imagined injustice "is that all !! theres people lying between white sheets" which I think was maybe a hospital/illness reference, and she was right.

              I do understand what you are saying. There is simple reasoning there. However, if I didn't have this immediate problem / situation then it would simply be another problem to tackle. If the police told me "We are ever so sorry, there have been too many deaths this week", I would completely understand. I would rather the Police time be spent dealing with more serious issues such as those than petty thief crime.
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #97
                Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                And now you are being silly......
                Silly if what the poomiester does best.

                Its all good points and I agree with you, but I don't know about you but £1500 take some hard work to earn, Tony knows there are people worse off than him, but let him vent a little, rather than tell him it doesn't matter much, even if it doesn't in the big scheme of things.

                Someone out there has just taken of something something from that he worked to get, at a personal level that is exceddingly frustrating, very unfair and very antisocial, and I and others feel for him.
                4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                • #98
                  i feel for him tiz not nice haveing ya stuff stolen
                  dieselboy dont go beating up brick walls they always win
                  ya can come here and beat my wife anytime

                  no realy mate i hope ya get em back dude
                  some one will come across em its a matter of time
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                  • #99
                    Thanks Tony!
                    I haven't really had much comment with regards to whoever stole them. I've been sort of hoping whoever has them realised that they can't put them on their motor and returns them! Wishful thinking probably!
                    Oh Nana, what's my name?


                    • put it up in its own thead
                      if returned no atcion will be taken
                      or something along em lines

                      my bet is
                      they searched the net for a price anyway
                      eather them thats nicked em or the person who bought em
                      has looked online for a price
                      cant look online about them wheels with out bumping into this forum
                      and most likely this thread
                      so they may have read this allready
                      if so
                      i will only chop there fingers off if i get my hands on em
                      they will be tied to a chair and torched
                      i'll give em hell then chop of there little fingers

                      and make em eat each others fingers raw too
                      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                      • Enough of the violence already. Best thing to do is 'move on'.
                        Tony...get some new wheels once the insurance pays out,bogus...your alternative view is a cornerstone of forum behaviour. Tony...I think I need to stop eating those mushrooms at the bottom of the garden.

                        George...I'm still thinking, but obviously you need locking up.

                        Edit: if I don't get a waste water assignment soon, I'm going up have to relinquish poomeister for...gulp...American vehicle technician. Mind you, they are dreadful piles of shoite (vince saw one or two and his mouth was agape) that poomeister is still probably relevant.
                        Last edited by gwh200; 1 October 2010, 10:50.
                        Non intercooled nothing.


                        • Grah, any pictures of these "mushrooms"? Can the missus make soup? OR do they taste like Oysters?
                          Oh Nana, what's my name?


                          • Dont be silly with those mushrooms, They can do a lot of damage


                            • But they like let me smell the colours and taste the shapes man.....
                              Non intercooled nothing.


                              • Yeah man, i get your drift , but they are still no good for you, how ever much fun they are !

                                Autumn is a silly old season

