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Wheels stolen 29/9/10

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  • Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
    This is what I said, but apparently not. If you buy a stolen car and did not know it was stolen you can go to court to legally obtain it back again from the true legal owner.
    This is what the police told me.
    OK for the last time, while I am sure this is what the police told you, it is WRONG. You may be able to go to court to claim damages from the person who sold you the stolen car (depending on the circumstances). But you will never have any rightful claim to the car.

    Your friendly policeman appears to have confused this situation with what happens when the police have stolen goods but do not know who they belong to. In that instance they will invite people to claim the goods. Anyone who tries to claim them will need a receipt or proof of purchase - this is to prove that they were the original legal owner. See for example this appeal by the police in a splendid place called Leigh. http://www.saferwigan.org.uk/News/StolenGoodsLeigh.htm...

    This process is about finding the original legal owner (i.e. the person from whom they were stolen). It has nothing to do with a claim by the purchaser of the stolen property. He has no right to them. At all.

    Your friendly copper has got himself in a right old muddle.


    • Originally posted by meooo View Post
      I think if the insurance has paid out, the new "owner" can approach the ins company and make an offer to purchase (again) but has no legal right to ownership. I also think its offered back to the origional owner to purchase off them first, so the guy who bought off the theif has a very slim chance of keeping it
      Anyone can approach the insurance company to purchase the goods - the original owner, the tea-leaf, Jack the Ripper... That is because the insurance company owns them, and they can sell them to whoever they like.


      • kick that dead horse hard lads
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
          kick that dead horse hard lads
          You are not having the last word!
          Sent from the iPad you "lost"


          • it would be admin that has the last word on this
            the last words will be
            locked then removed
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • Comment

              • http://www.weirdity.com/internet/eoti.html


                • Its worth reading to the end, just to see The Right Horrible Flounder try and get through to people, while he tries to stay cool.

                  4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                  • Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                    Its worth reading to the end, just to see The Right Horrible Flounder try and get through to people, while he tries to stay cool.

                    Little does he know that often its like drilling through a cavity wall. - It takes time and energy to get through the solid outer shell then when you finally do you fall through into a gaping and echoing void.


                    • Steady on...

                      I'm open and understanding aren't I? I just don't know the law that is all...
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?


                      • Originally posted by flounderbout View Post
                        OK for the last time, while I am sure this is what the police told you, it is WRONG. You may be able to go to court to claim damages from the person who sold you the stolen car (depending on the circumstances). But you will never have any rightful claim to the car.

                        Your friendly policeman appears to have confused this situation with what happens when the police have stolen goods but do not know who they belong to. In that instance they will invite people to claim the goods. Anyone who tries to claim them will need a receipt or proof of purchase - this is to prove that they were the original legal owner. See for example this appeal by the police in a splendid place called Leigh. http://www.saferwigan.org.uk/News/StolenGoodsLeigh.htm...

                        This process is about finding the original legal owner (i.e. the person from whom they were stolen). It has nothing to do with a claim by the purchaser of the stolen property. He has no right to them. At all.

                        Your friendly copper has got himself in a right old muddle.
                        Very very greatful for this! Thank you.
                        I will quote this to him and see what happens. If only I had knew of this at the beginning.
                        Oh Nana, what's my name?


                        • And under no circumstances, is it pertinent to argue with dieselboy. He's packed a lotta livin into his tender years...
                          Non intercooled nothing.


                          • Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                            steady on...

                            I'm open and understanding aren't i? I just don't know the law that is all...

                            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


                            • Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
                              If only I had knew of this at the beginning.
                              You knew ages ago, you just chose to ignore it.
                              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                              • Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                                Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

