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Bad Bad Bad Even Stupid

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  • Bad Bad Bad Even Stupid

    [size=4][font=franklin gothic medium][color=lime]Every Day Above Ground is a Good Day[/color][/font][/size]
    [img]http://www.vertueren.gb.com/welshflag.gif[/img] [color=red]Gods Country[/color]

  • #2
    only had my surf 4 4weeks and it i don't no how i manage without 1, yeah i do the school run in it, i put 3 kids init a dog in the back and the kids scrambler strapped 2 the back, all the helment,boots gloves ect ect. try doing that in a fiesta!!!!!!
    i need my surf
    lets go get dirty...


    • #3
      And that comment from Ken Livingstone (not my favourite person), who spends £10,000 per year on taxi fares, who are well known to threaten other road users and to not be the most environmentally clean vehicles.

      FYI: I have not seen a taxi yet that burns diesel cleaner than my surf. And I have been knocked off my push bikes more time than I care to remember by taxi's not paying attention to other road users.

      Just my 2p worth...



      • #4

        it,s hard to believe theres so many pr**ks about

        besides mine,s only 4x4 off-road, 2wd on the road so they can all go and **** off



        • #5
          It's a gross generalisation but the problem is that there is some truth in it.
          The roads are being taken over by soft roaders most of which were never designed to go off road.
          It could never be inforced though because how can they justify penalising users such as ourselves who use them off road whenever we can (if there werent so many restrictions there too).
          Plenty of times I've seen these things that make my baby look small taking up two parking spaces.
          Quote from a woman at work who drives one of these beasts "oh I dont know how to use it or park it but it makes me feel safe"


          • #6
            Some of the comments seem to be along the lines that, because I drive a big vehicle, I am either:

            a) a pr*ck who likes to impress other people

            b) a pr*ck who has too much money to burn and therefore should pay higher taxes

            c) a pr*ck who can't drive who needs to drive around in a tank for my own safety!

            No-one is really questioning the rise in air-travel polution, which the WHO says accounts for far more polution that car travel does!


            • #7
              I was listening to that idiot Liberal Democrat (whats liberal or democratic about wanting to reduce peoples freedom to choose). He was banging on about how these big 4x4's cause more pollution. My emissions, when tested for the MOT, were 2%. How much CO2 does his 1.6L Rover kick out?

              If the government were really serious about reducing pollution/global warming they would:

              A. Encourage the use of veggie diesel.

              B. Tell the Americans to take a hike, next time they want to get us involved in a war, unless they fall in line with Europe on getting industrial pollution down.

              C. Make public transport safer, more efficient and more attractive.

              I would dearly love to leave my Surf at home, but I work on the railway, so how do I repair the railway ( which is not going to get me there cos it is broken) if I am being taxed out of my car.
              BTW. Leagrave to Kings-X Thameslink return = £19.40
              £19.40 worth of diesel = 3 x return trip to Stanmore in my gas guzzling Surf.

              These pr*ts really need to get their heads out of their a*ses and take a look at the real world.

              Not that I have a strong opinion or anything!
              It's only a hobby!


              • #8
                When I get my Surf, it will be for the same reasons I had a Disco acouple of years back - I want one. My conscience is clear. I simply want one. I will tow an angling boat when I get one. My kids might be better protected in a smash. I like the style of jeeps.

                Money to burn? Insurance & tax will make up almost 50% of the value of my early 90's 100,000-miles+ car!

                Impress other people? I shower when my scalp gets flaky - I don't care what folk think of me (that's not true about the shower).

                Can't drive? I also ride a 1000cc sports motorbike. I have never caused an accident on the road.

                What a !!!!.


                • #9
                  My Surf uses less fuel than my other car.

                  It's slower so I don't speed as much.

                  I have a higher driving position so I can see the ids waiting behind the parked cars.

                  Anyway, I'd harly call my beat up surf a rich post middle class car.
                  At 5k it cost less then an 8 year old golf.
                  Maybe they should tax new cars on the value of the car, oh that'd be VAT though.
                  What about taxing the amount of fuel, ahh, that'd be the 80% tax on fuel already.
                  How about taxing cars with large engines more than cars with small engine, oh, they do that already too.

                  So, will it be all 4x4s, mines 2wd with an option, but my mates porshe is 4wd all the time, so's my other mates volvo estate.
                  Will it be based on size, right, so people carriers and transit vans and a few estatess will be cought too.
                  Will it be vehicles with SUV on the ownerwship document, that's fine, my Surfs not an SUV as far as I remember my inurace document says it's an estate.

                  And, besides all that, it's a !!!!!! free country isn't it.


                  • #10
                    I actually found the link on the pocuk site, ans as someone on there said, how are they going to work it, are all 4x4's to be taxed ie Scoobies Volvo XC's etc and the like or just the ones that they don't like.

                    They were also mentioning the possibility of bringing Ken's London to a standstill with a 4x4 convoy
                    [size=4][font=franklin gothic medium][color=lime]Every Day Above Ground is a Good Day[/color][/font][/size]
                    [img]http://www.vertueren.gb.com/welshflag.gif[/img] [color=red]Gods Country[/color]


                    • #11

                      When are people going to also begin to accept responsibility for their own actions?

                      I have an 8 month old Akita, 6 stone, and a 12 year old retriever, 4 stone. I have no chance of getting them both into the Honda estate I currently own, the reason I want a surf, and am in daily contact with my local importer...

                      4x4's can and often are better on fuel than cars, my Honda does 25mpg average!!!

                      **Offensive bit, turn away now.**

                      Why should drivers be punished for having a car/bull bars. Teach people to cross roads safely, especially children. Kids don't die if they are away from roads/cars/danger/strangers etc. I have 2 nephews and 2 nieces, so I am not a parent, but I guarantee those 4 are always in sight and grabbing distance.

                      Motorists are always penalised for other people’s stupidity or arrogance. Your insurance is high due to the number of uninsured motorists for 1.

                      Not all 4x4's are used for school runs in small villages, not all 4x4's are used as 'pen1s' and ego extensions. Some people genuinely have them for the practicalities. Why should I be forced to pay more than a rep covering 100000 miles a year? Put road tax onto petrol and then there is no need to have the high costs of advertising and policing tax dodgers! I am not rich by any means so I cannot afford stupidly inflated costs imposed by the government.

                      When are the motorists in this country going to stand up for themselves. Fuel prices, speed camera's, escalating insurance prices (But with increased profits by the insurance companies). I also ride a motorcycle, so I guess I am doomed to be hated by all, I am dangerous when I drive my forthcoming surf and blatantly pollute more than my boss with a jag, I will be taking up much needed road space outside of the local school as I join the obligatory school run, then I will be terrorising everyone with the sheer volume of my bike, not to mention how scary it can be to see a bike on the road.

                      Environmental reasons my eye, get all busses and taxis off the road then, the drivers of which are virtually all arrogant, and certainly do not care for other road users as they do not pay the insurance/repair bills.

                      Can we please have some real laws, that are really enforced.

                      Sorry for the rant, especially as I am not really part of the gang yet, but it really gets my goat…..blah blah blah


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by coggie2k
                        When are people going to also begin to accept responsibility for their own actions?

                        I have an 8 month old Akita, 6 stone, and a 12 year old retriever, 4 stone. I have no chance of getting them both into the Honda estate I currently own, the reason I want a surf, and am in daily contact with my local importer...

                        4x4's can and often are better on fuel than cars, my Honda does 25mpg average!!!

                        **Offensive bit, turn away now.**

                        Why should drivers be punished for having a car/bull bars. Teach people to cross roads safely, especially children. Kids don't die if they are away from roads/cars/danger/strangers etc. I have 2 nephews and 2 nieces, so I am not a parent, but I guarantee those 4 are always in sight and grabbing distance.

                        Motorists are always penalised for other people’s stupidity or arrogance. Your insurance is high due to the number of uninsured motorists for 1.

                        Not all 4x4's are used for school runs in small villages, not all 4x4's are used as 'pen1s' and ego extensions. Some people genuinely have them for the practicalities. Why should I be forced to pay more than a rep covering 100000 miles a year? Put road tax onto petrol and then there is no need to have the high costs of advertising and policing tax dodgers! I am not rich by any means so I cannot afford stupidly inflated costs imposed by the government.

                        When are the motorists in this country going to stand up for themselves. Fuel prices, speed camera's, escalating insurance prices (But with increased profits by the insurance companies). I also ride a motorcycle, so I guess I am doomed to be hated by all, I am dangerous when I drive my forthcoming surf and blatantly pollute more than my boss with a jag, I will be taking up much needed road space outside of the local school as I join the obligatory school run, then I will be terrorising everyone with the sheer volume of my bike, not to mention how scary it can be to see a bike on the road.

                        Environmental reasons my eye, get all busses and taxis off the road then, the drivers of which are virtually all arrogant, and certainly do not care for other road users as they do not pay the insurance/repair bills.

                        Can we please have some real laws, that are really enforced.

                        Sorry for the rant, especially as I am not really part of the gang yet, but it really gets my goat…..blah blah blah
                        Well Put.!!!!


                        • #13
                          why pick on 4x4's, size is relative, and any person who criticises 4x4 drivers when they drive an empty hatchback is a hypocrite, why drive a huge hatchback when they could get from a to b on a moped, why drive a big moped when you can get from a to b on a goped, why ride a goped when you can ride a bicycle, tell you what lets all walk.
                          [COLOR=red]Simon [/COLOR] '91 2.4td ssr-x


                          • #14
                            If they feel the need to put an extra tax on 4x4 I think I have a solution?
                            the amount of tax should be graded.....THE MORE MUD YOU HAVE ON AND UNDER YOU 4X4 THE LESS TAX YOU PAY....ALSO THE BIGGER THE TYRES EVEN LESS TAX WILL BE LEVED....AND FINALY IF YOU HAVE A SNORKLE YOU SHOULD BE TAX EXEMPT.........So says sumo who has 1 surf 2 suzi's 1 golf gti and drives a road ravaging 44 tonne wagon and drag.(which by the way is only £800 a year tax cos its road friendly,enviromentaly A1 with europe and has air suspesion),its still got 6 axles and carries the same as an artic but they pay £5-7000 per year in road tax????????????????????
                            oh yeah and it does 9mpg if I'm lucky.
                            If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by shelly
                              only had my surf 4 4weeks and it i don't no how i manage without 1, yeah i do the school run in it, i put 3 kids init a dog in the back and the kids scrambler strapped 2 the back, all the helment,boots gloves ect ect. try doing that in a fiesta!!!!!!
                              i need my surf
                              Uh Oh.....thats bad, very bad.

