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  • who is it

    on here that advertise's Transporter servise's?
    any one giz a price? i mean a clue
    tiz a long way i want it to go
    from rotherham to cornwall then after a while (few weeks) then onto soulth wales
    coz iam sick of looking at hireing one
    closest i can find to me is birmingham witch i will do if i realy have to
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    Stormforce...give Richard a shout George.
    Non intercooled nothing.


    • #3
      I charge 65p per mile return George


      • #4
        aarrrr its you
        thats handy aint it

        tiz 344 miles from here to you or there abouts

        tiz about 250 ish or have i worked it out wrong?
        and then the return
        let me know if thats right coz iam no good at the monent with numbers
        my heads a shed right now
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
          aarrrr its you
          thats handy aint it

          tiz 344 miles from here to you or there abouts

          tiz about 250 ish or have i worked it out wrong?
          and then the return
          let me know if thats right coz iam no good at the monent with numbers
          my heads a shed right now
          Hiya george.Its 346m one way at 65ppm which is £225 multiply by 2 which is £450


          • #6
            Originally posted by stormforce View Post
            Hiya george.Its 346m one way at 65ppm which is £225 multiply by 2 which is £450
            tiz fine by me that dude
            i'll sort it out when the time comes and theres other stuff too aint there
            so this november i'll let you know i may even come see ya to sort the paper work
            i may even go over to wales and sort papers out early with vince too
            i like to drive
            tiz a past time for me
            if the paper works sorted i'll be a lot happyer
            and i can then stop planning it and get some sleep
            i plann too much
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • #7
              just let me know as and when George
              The truck will be safe down here anyway and i can get the engine out ready for the truck to go to Vince when your ready


              • #8
                my mates just got a manual 2.4 surf i drove it earlyer its nice
                iam thinking of giving him my tyres has a gift
                you dint have owt planned for em did ya
                coz i have claimed all bits has yours
                inclueding boot cover and snow chains that i'll chuck in coz there are no good to me
                i just wondered about the tyres
                coz you do have first claim to them
                i have these in a size 30

                but i'll be going 33's
                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                • #9
                  As long as theres wheels on the truck to get it on and off the trailer George then thats all that matters.Just let me know when the time comes as to what is staying with the truck and what's to go and i'll make sure everything is ready for Vince.Will you be getting the bodylift done while the truck is here so thats ready for Vince aswell.
                  if i get a 3.0l rad then i will put it with the truck for Vince to fit


                  • #10
                    only things coming off is owt vince dont need
                    i would like to keep my bullbar but i have no idea how this all works
                    but its down to what vince wants on or off
                    a new wing may be needed unless vince wants to put a snorkel on or not
                    iam realy letting vince let lose on it so what he says go's
                    he makes things good no matter what so i'll be pleased with what ever he wants to do
                    i have a set of spare tyres so if my mate wants muds on i'll tell him to put my spares on
                    and with the other bits that your doing
                    i think its best to sort everything out paper wise before owt else
                    a few days in cornwall wont go amiss
                    its a good reason to go to cornwall too init
                    plus it would be very nice to meet ya dude
                    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                    • #11
                      thats fine George.It take a bit of doing to trust someone to take your truck away and not do anything stupid.
                      Lucky enough i have been trusted a couple of times now to take trucks away and then pay later for them which i have done and one was very recent.
                      I'm happy to have everything down on paper mate just to cover us both so we know whats what


                      • #12
                        i trust ya dude
                        i would trust you with mi life mate
                        paper works allways best sorted first
                        its the way i like to do it anyhow
                        payper first tiz all ways best
                        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                        • #13
                          you get everything sorted what you need and then get it on paper then we can go from there.I'm happy to do what you need doing anyway


                          • #14
                            cheers mr force
                            thats very nice of ya to do this
                            i cant wait now i feel like a bigg fat kid in a cake shop
                            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                            • #15
                              i know how you feel George as i feel the same with Lucifer aswell

