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Part numbers needed

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  • Part numbers needed

    Hello, sorry to post this in the general forum but it's important I get the info as soon as possible so more people may see it here.
    I need a cable that controls the position of the heater vents. It DOESN'T connect to the main unit which has the buttons on for the different heater vent positions.

    When you press the buttons on the main unit there's another box lower down in the dash with a little arm that moves left and right. The cable connects to this then runs around the side of the dash to the drivers side footwell to a series of arms that control the vents' positions. For pictures please see here: http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/forums/sh...t=heater+vents

    It's this cable I need.

    I've been to Toyota and the guy can't find it on the computer, so unless I have a part number he can't order it. It really needs to be ordered today. So if anyone can help, or point me in the direction of some exploded diagrams it would be very much appreciated.
    If anyone can offer help with a few other issues I have here:
    and here: http://www.hiluxsurf.co.uk/forums/sh...ad.php?t=65407 that would be great too
    Thanks very much

  • #2
    ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


    • #3
      Thanks for that, I think i've found the cables that control the hot/cold air mix but I don't think I can see this cable. Are there any websites like that but with pictures?


      • #4
        ' You've arrived on a rather special night. It's one of the master's affairs.'


        • #5
          OK i've tried copy and pasting the URL into that link but the page looks the same, is there something i'm missing?


          • #6
            Looking at the EPC now and buggered if I can find that cable. Found all the others.



            • #7
              Thankyou for looking for me. When i was watching the toyota guys computer nothing came up that looked like the cable or even the components it attaches to. I thought that unit with all the arms on it would stand out on the diagrams, but couldn't see anything like it.


              • #8
                The diagrams are a bit confusing but I think the one you want is part number 55908-35010 or-35030 if your vehicle is later than 9/'93.

                This cable must have a loop at both ends. The diagrams don't seem to show all the newer stuff or anything to do with the air duct controls on the side of housing.

                Last edited by NiftyNev; 6 September 2010, 14:11.


                • #9
                  Note that I am not certain about the above part numbers.



                  • #10
                    Thanks again, i've removed the cable and it does have loops at both ends one slightly larger than the other. The motor end is held in place by a small red washer and possibly the smallest circlip ever created the other end fits over a knob on those plastic arm things.
                    I'll run it by Toyota tomorrow and see what they come up with. Mines a 94 so i'd assume then i'd need 55908-35030. I could always order both and see what comes.


                    • #11
                      Forget the part numbers posted before and try this.




                      Ignore the part about being Water Control Valve as the cable is different for this and does not have a loop at each end.



                      • #12
                        Any update on this?



                        • #13
                          Hello, sorry i've just got back from holiday (going on another one tomorrow woo! i'm lucky).
                          OK I ordered that part from the other thread. It took a while for Toyota to get hold of itthey kept saying it'll be tomorrow then it wouldn't come then they said it would be tomorrow and it wouldn't come again,only for them to find out they'd had it in all along

                          Anyway it is indeed the right part. If anyone else is replacing this part a little tip is to make sure you don't lose the tiny red washer that holds the cable on and you'll probably need to get hold of a really tiny circlip that holds the red washer on (it'll probably get mashed up trying to get it off). Toyota don't seem to be able to get hold of these parts you see.

                          I have to say a big thankyou to Nifty Nev though for the help, thankyou for looking through the EPC and searching the forum it really is much appreciated. There's no way I would have figured it out on my own.
                          Thankyou very much

