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Complete Interior Trim Replacement & Surfs in Ireland

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  • Complete Interior Trim Replacement & Surfs in Ireland

    Hi All,

    Owners of wine coloured Surfs - please take no offence from this post. It's only my own opinion...

    I've found a wine family-use Surf for sale at €3500. I'd snap it up if it wasn't for the wine interior. The exterior colour is lovely, but I think the interior might become a little nauseating after a while (5 minutes?! )
    Can the ENTIRE interior (ie, EVERYTHING coloured wine) be replaced with grey from, say, a crashed grey or navy truck? I'm guessing it'd be WAY too much trouble, but it might turn out to be worth asking.

    Failing that, it's back to crossed fingers and trawling the ads.

    If any of the members in Ireland know of a decent gen2 (not wine...) going for €4000 - €5000, please let me know.

    Cheers all,


  • #2
    I've removed pretty much all the plastic paneling from inside mine for one reason or another.

    If you had a full set of new panels I reckon you could do it all in a day.

    This is,
    The dash, the sills, the plastic around the boot area.

    It is not, the door panels, the seats, teh crapet, the roof liner etc.


    • #3
      Paint the dashboard and the plastic parts of the side panels with the proper dash paint (the stuff that actually dyes the plastic), get some seat covers and then recover the non plastic parts of the door panels - some nice black fabric should do the job nicely (Alternatively you could use some fabric paint on the door panels.

      Other than this you could find a scrap one in the states and apart from the drivers and passenger armrests, the dash and the console, you should be able to get the rest.



      • #4
        Originally posted by silvtr1000
        Hi All,

        Owners of wine coloured Surfs - please take no offence from this post. It's only my own opinion...

        I've found a wine family-use Surf for sale at €3500. I'd snap it up if it wasn't for the wine interior. The exterior colour is lovely, but I think the interior might become a little nauseating after a while (5 minutes?! )
        Can the ENTIRE interior (ie, EVERYTHING coloured wine) be replaced with grey from, say, a crashed grey or navy truck? I'm guessing it'd be WAY too much trouble, but it might turn out to be worth asking.

        Failing that, it's back to crossed fingers and trawling the ads.

        If any of the members in Ireland know of a decent gen2 (not wine...) going for €4000 - €5000, please let me know.

        Cheers all,

        Hi Mark, dont give up on the wine coloured Surfs, that lovely red interior was an optional extra!!!! I've only seen it in photo's, all the wine coloured Surfs I've seen in the flesh (and that is a lot) have the standard grey interior.
        The wine is a great colour. It looks superb on a sunny day when it's been polished.


        • #5
          !!!!!! Red

          Was offered a red surf with wine interior by a local garage in South Lincolnshire, origionally owned by a farmer who couldn't live with it as the sight of the bull's blood coloured interior made him quite ill after about one hours driving.


          • #6
            To save time you could stain the roof liner black, the rest is easy.
            PS.I have the red interior and I quite like it, its different! Go-on, dare to be different!
            ...Woodie http://woodie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/D...%20Surfsml.JPG


            • #7
              I got a red interior aswell, I said no way originally but after 10 min sat in it I decided I didn't mind and now I like it, I agree with woodie, dare to be different.


              • #8
                Mine is red inside too. Was a little striking at first, but got used to it after a day or so. I like it!
                Derek :
                1990 Hilux Surf SSR Ltd
                [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]S[/U][/COLOR][/B]ave [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]U[/U][/COLOR][/B]p [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]R[/U][/COLOR][/B]eadies [B][COLOR=DarkOrange][U]F[/U][/COLOR][/B]ast. Cause you're gonna need them!

