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  • #16
    Originally posted by biosurf View Post
    Although you've been seeing different doctors at the hospital have you had the same GP the whole time?
    been on every ward the hostpital has apart from the mental heath ward but thats just a matter of time

    yes same gp
    the doctor i see is over ruled by the doctor who owns the surgary

    i have never talked about it this much ya know to anyone
    its nice of you to take an intrest kind sir

    Originally posted by biosurf View Post
    Have you ever kept a food and meds diary?
    yes mate
    they make no sence it seems to change from day to day
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #17
      Originally posted by biosurf View Post
      Is it all food or just certain food groups etc.?

      Are there any other meds you're on that could be combining badly?
      i smoke the herb give me an apitite i dont care who knows it too
      i dont do it and drive so i aint bothered what people think
      i was asked by a doctor to go get stoned while i was ill in the hostpital
      i wont ever say wich doctor said it
      but he did say
      if you have smoked it before then try it now if it makes you ill your in the right place if it dont well then you know
      after smoking the first one
      i had my first meal in 2 weeks half a slice of toaste
      so i now have bits through the day not every day just when its needed
      it can work better than those meds the doc give me
      other times i aint smoking eating or drinking even water
      i just get too ill to do anything
      i have to be helped to walk
      i need conestant care when iam ill
      and it puts strain on the others around me the wife suffers
      she eats at her dads if iam ill
      the smell of food kills me
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #18
        You're welcome

        I think you should think about changing Docs practices or somehow finding out how to get a second opinion from another GP.

        So is it a back problem or diverticulitis? Or is there other stuff? Might be some people it's worth you getting some advice from.


        • #19
          Originally posted by biosurf View Post
          You're welcome

          I think you should think about changing Docs practices or somehow finding out how to get a second opinion from another GP.

          So is it a back problem or diverticulitis? Or is there other stuff? Might be some people it's worth you getting some advice from.
          i have back problems and diverticulitis i have other things wrong with me too but thats just ware and tare
          my legs go dead for nothing my limbs flick out on there own
          maybe thats the back traping a nerve or something
          other than that
          my colestrol was 17.5 yes i know it should be 2.4 or something
          i did lower it to 6.5 after i lost conshaceness a few years ago
          i was out for 2 hours i have very little salt in my body
          my blood was like tomotao soup
          i was healthy on the out side but fat on the inside
          and thats living on the uk diet so be warmed people
          the leavels in my blood are all over the place hence the rage's and me being silly alot its call GGT not mattf GGT goolge it thats from my liver
          its got a lump on it dun know what it is yet

          i have tryed changeing doctors but this doctor iam under is like a god or something
          i have to go 6 miles out to get a doctor that not going to say
          your under vasan we have a policey were cant take you on if your under vasan
          i reply yes you can i have the right to move to any doctors i like
          then all ya get is
          yes i have the right to refuse you too

          so iam boxed in
          unless i go out of town
          this doctor is the head of DWP tribunaral servises a jugde among other things
          he just dont like me
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #20
            diverticulitis is not present in the asian popuation
            so take a leaf out of there book be fore its too late
            its no good thinking its not going to happen to you

            its the moden way of living that do's this i dont drink beer
            but i have had alcoalic related deseas
            its the chemicals that food and drink is now made of
            they couse the same deseas (if my spelling gone thats my dylecica its kicked in realy badly the meds dont help)
            lets face it most things we like to have are made with chemicals that should not be near food or drink
            so when your pooring beers down your neck its not the same stuff your grandad drank or your dads
            its done in a few weeks chemcaly made faster
            same with food its about shelf life not health life

            they aint botherd if it makes you ill or not
            its about profit and nothing else in the food and drink industary

            we are eating and drinking stuff that dont belong in the human diet
            and the worst thing about it
            we give it the kids too

            now ya know why the old ones are healthy than most the young
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


            • #21
              I'm pretty sure that if you ask your GP for a second opinion they have to allow you to get one unless they've got very good reason.

              If you want advice some of the helpline staff at charities are amazing (some are crap too but some are amazing!)
              I know the guys at Rethinks helpline are incrddible (they are mental illness focussed but just tell them you have heard good things about their advice on seeking second opinions and if they are in a good mood they still might help
              As some of your issue is back related you could try the Brain and Spine foundation helpline.


              • #22
                Rethink Advice Line: 0207 840 3188 Monday-Friday 10am – 2pm

                Brain and Spine Foundation Helpline Tel: 0808 808 1000

                British Liver Trust Free Helpline: 0800 652 7330


                • #23
                  i have slowly learnt to cope with my back pain
                  its the diverticulitis i can not cope with yet i will get there
                  if i could only find a diet i can live on i would be happy to live with it
                  iam not one of those that moans a lot about illness and pain
                  but the diverticulitis i do have a moan or 2 about that

                  not much bothers me iam a pritty brasen guy i take some stopping and iam not frightend of nothing
                  iam not scared to try anything
                  iam too pig headed to back down half the time
                  but with diverticulitis when it comes on that stops me
                  it can get scarey and it bothers me coz i can not find a way to live with it

                  i was sent for counseling when i first found out i had diverticulitis

                  i sat there looking gone out at them
                  people kill them selfs with this the younger you are the harder it is to live with thats what they were telling me
                  i dont realy care about me having diverticulitis if only i could find a diet
                  i would just get on with my life
                  iam a head strong person i beleave i was dealt these cards no fekers going to deal again you have one hand to play
                  thats it one hand nowt else
                  so you have no choise but to play the best you can to be a winner
                  if your delt a crap hand like me then play harder
                  its the way i think fek alls worth packing it all in is it
                  thats what i told them
                  its good advise from a man of 105 years old i once know

                  there is a new walk in center in rotherham its a NHS run biulding but its a private sector thing too
                  i was thinking of going there i cant remember what they are called prime care or something
                  are they anygood?

                  i forgot to add about the second opinion
                  its that doctor if i go out of town its not a problem
                  if i stay with in the town its a problem
                  ilegal maybe but i cant do nothing about it i have tryed many times now
                  NMC aint bothered
                  Last edited by JUDWAK; 26 August 2010, 23:52.
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                    Rethink Advice Line: 0207 840 3188 Monday-Friday 10am – 2pm

                    Brain and Spine Foundation Helpline Tel: 0808 808 1000

                    British Liver Trust Free Helpline: 0800 652 7330
                    i will ring em tomorrow mate i cant lose nowt can i
                    thank you biosurf your very kind
                    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                    • #25
                      No idea of the walk in near you is any good but definitely try the helplines. If they don't help, find others to try until you find a good one.

                      Others I would definitely try

                      Beating Bowel Cancer Helpline
                      08450 719 301

                      I know these arent exactly the charities for what you have but if when you call you say something like: 'I didn't know where else to call so I hoped you might be able to suggest some help etc. etc.' they'll probably give you advice.

                      Before you ring any of the helpines it would be good to write yourself brief notes of the main things about your condition that you think they need to know. Its good to do this as its easy to go off on a tangent and spend valuable time talking about one single aspect or just going into far too much detail. Your notes will help you focus. They only have limited time so its good to make sure you focus on the important stuff.

                      Also make sure you have a second notebook handy so you can make notes about what they've told you and make sure you get them to spell anything you're not sure on. Otherwise they can tell you so much that its impossible to remeber it all buy the end of the call.
                      I would suggest you do this whenever you see any doctors or anyone. Keep notes of what they say and do and the dtes. Its really useful.

                      If they suggest that you need to do anything in writing to your GP at any point, feel free to drop it over to me if you want any typos and stuff sorting out. Doubt you'll need to do anything in writing but you never know.

                      Some info here though I'm sure you probably know it all http://www.corecharity.org.uk/Divert...se/Page-3.html


                      • #26
                        they may help coz this turns in to bowle cancer most the time anyway

                        my meds have codeine in them too wonder if thats why when i start on my meds i end up on em for days and days
                        i even do a rattle off them i take them for that long

                        iam going to have to start and write things down mate
                        its a good idea to do so
                        i never rember half of what the doctor says well my meds are wrong acording to that web site there
                        so it shows why i take no notice of him
                        he has also told me to stay away from veg?
                        it dont say that on there dose it

                        i dont know how you know all this stuff about thses things
                        but can i see a doctor that works at the hostpital he is a surgen that saw my diverticulitis for him self
                        is it possible to make apiontments with them? coz its not like they are a gp is it
                        or dont you know
                        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                        • #27
                          this is a quote from the web site you give me

                          After two or more episodes of diverticulitis, you may be advised to have a surgical operation to remove the affected segment of the colon in order to prevent further episodes and, more importantly, prevent a serious complication during a later episode. Approximately one third of those who require urgent admission to hospital for an episode of inflammation require surgical treatment during their stay because an abscess has formed around the colon or infection from the inflamed diverticulum has spread more widely within the abdomen.

                          i have two or more episodes a week
                          reading this has made me feel sick
                          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                            he has also told me to stay away from veg?
                            it dont say that on there dose it

                            i dont know how you know all this stuff about thses things
                            but can i see a doctor that works at the hostpital he is a surgen that saw my diverticulitis for him self
                            is it possible to make apiontments with them? coz its not like they are a gp is it
                            or dont you know
                            Keep to the advice of your doc until you hear different - its not always best to listen to websites. They don't know your history in full like your doc (should) do.

                            I only know bits as I've had experience with family members in hospital and I used to work for a charity that had an amazing helpline for people with mental health probs years ago. The people on the helpine knew more than lots of doctors and helped people get second opinions that changed their lives.

                            It could be an idea to try and get an appointment with your surgeon. I think they should theoretically only see you if you are referred by your GP but if you are decent and get in touch by letter they sometimes will let you maike an appointment with them.

                            Stick at it. Its worth it.

                            Anyhoo I'm, off to bed. Keep me posted with what goes on. G'night
                            Last edited by biosurf; 27 August 2010, 00:40.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                              Keep to the advice of your doc until you hear different - its not always best to listen to websites. They don't know your history in full like your doc (should) do.

                              I only know bits as I've had experience with family members in hospital and I used to work for a charity that had an amazing helpline for people with mental health probs years ago. The people on the helpine knew more than lots of doctors and helped people get second opinions that changed their lives.

                              It could be an idea to try and get an appointment with your surgeon. I think they should theoretically only see you if you are referred by your GP but if you are decent and get in touch by letter they sometimes will let you maike an appointment with them.

                              Stick at it. Its worth it.

                              Anyhoo I'm, off to bed. Keep me posted with what goes on. G'night
                              thanks very much biosurf your a star mate thanks
                              night mate
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                              • #30
                                George, take a look here if you haven't already, it seems to be a forum for people with the same thing, there's quite a bit of info there and some dietary bits a pieces too.


                                As biosurf says though, don't take it as gospel as they don't know your exact situation but you may be able to gain some pointers with the diet, hope it works out for you though.

