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Here we are have a laff this is a 3.o litre

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  • #91
    I'll try it with yours. I currently dont own one, but when I did it used neither oil nor water. Never needed any topups between changes.
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #92
      Originally posted by puddlesurfer View Post
      Do you fancy trying it with your Surf? don't worry about topping up oil or water!
      in a 2.4 it would die in 6 months
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #93
        mine uses a bit of both - well I say uses, it dribbles it! coolant drips from rear heater, I've bought jubilee and sealant just haven't done it yet - just bought new coolant from roughtrax so will be getting flushed and sorted in next week or two.

        I think oil leaks from the back of rocker cover, again I've bought the gasket just haven't done it yet - need to jet wash/steam engine.

        I've also bought a new cambelt, tenioner, new engine belts etc and haven't done them yet either - I see a pattern emerging!
        “Do or do not... there is no try.”


        • #94
          Originally posted by puddlesurfer View Post
          mine uses a bit of both - well I say uses, it dribbles it! coolant drips from rear heater, I've bought jubilee and sealant just haven't done it yet - just bought new coolant from roughtrax so will be getting flushed and sorted in next week or two.

          I think oil leaks from the back of rocker cover, again I've bought the gasket just haven't done it yet - need to jet wash/steam engine.

          I've also bought a new cambelt, tenioner, new engine belts etc and haven't done them yet either - I see a pattern emerging!
          eye its called being a man
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #95
            Originally posted by yoshie View Post
            If I owned a P reg Corolla with quarter million miles on it, I would be praying the fecing thing would break, so I could get something else.
            trouble is he loves it to bits just spent £400 when the steering lock barrel finaly disintergrated on him leaving him stuck he must be mad but he loves it had just passed it's mot so he looks at fix the lock and i should get another year out of it his father has offered to buy him a new one he still likes the old banger
            Slowly Slowly Catchee Monkey


            • #96
              just catching up with these older posts..

              i find this one unbelievable.

              what a silly numpty to place an advert like that.

              has he since relisted?
              My Surf eats knuckles for breakfast!

