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  • woops!!!!!

    Hi all,
    Paddy banned me from off roading in the surf when he fitted the fog light, cause he didn't want it damaging, so i was really miffed, but when driving down the M1, a car infront blew its tyre and there was half a tyre in the middle of the road, i had a car either side of my so no way to avoid it, i had to just get a good grip and run over it....we heard a bang, but we were both ok,........on inspection i have knocked the fog light off........so now i can go off roading again .....hurrah...

    Jo & Paddy

  • #2
    That's your story and you stick to it ..... i bet you aimed for it just to get that foggie off...

    Good for you..

    At least you get to go off road. I get to go to the station...
    Tom would have a fit if I took his off road...
    one day....
    Had enough... going to live in Spain....


    • #3
      Originally posted by Paddy&Jo
      Hi all,
      Paddy banned me from off roading in the surf when he fitted the fog light, cause he didn't want it damaging, so i was really miffed, but when driving down the M1, a car infront blew its tyre and there was half a tyre in the middle of the road, i had a car either side of my so no way to avoid it, i had to just get a good grip and run over it....we heard a bang, but we were both ok,........on inspection i have knocked the fog light off........so now i can go off roading again .....hurrah...

      Jo & Paddy
      Glad your'e ok......BUT, that dont count. To lose your Surfing off road virginity you have to lose it OFF ROADING in mud. Fraid you'll have to fit another and do it properly, with pics aswell.

