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  • Nhs

    We hear whinges about the NHS all the time, but the medics & the system were there 200% when it came to my son Nik's care, after being struck by a car yesterday when he was out cycling. He looked one hell of a mess in A&E when I arrived there, but after a x-ray, CAT scan of his head/neck & a clean up it seems that he's escaped with a broken thumb, a few stitches to his head + scrapes & bruises.
    He was wearing a good cycle helmet which almost certainly saved his life, since he went through the car screen head first.
    People hit by cars doing 40mph are usually not so fortunate.
    He should be discharged from hospital within the next 24hrs.
    A huge thank-you to our dedicated emergency services for their expertise.

  • #2
    glad he is ok matey
    NHS are very good any one else who thinks there not sould move to somewere else
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #3
      Nasty... and very lucky chap, gald he's ok.
      NHS primary care is one of the best.


      • #4
        Glad to hear your lads ok. All the best
        l'm FAME-ous!


        • #5
          I know only too well what going through the windscreen of a car from a bike feels like, it's not that nice!

          Glad he's OK, the NHS are really good IMO, without them at least 2 of my brothers would be dead right now!


          I've got a plan and it's as hot as my pants!


          • #6
            Cheers for the kind comments chaps.
            This incident has raised a bit of a conscience issue re the A bar on the truck.
            I know there was a lot of fuss about 'Bull Bars' a while back & for sure if a person impacts on the bar in an accident, the injuries would be far more serious than a collision with the front end metalwork that folds up.
            I was responsible for doing a lot of damage rear ending a Mercedes a few years back with my HiLux truck. The Merc folded in a bad way, absorbing all the energy of the impact, the truck & A bar were un-damaged.
            The bar would be totally unforgiving on the human body.
            I guess this may bring up a few mixed thoughts.


            • #7
              i worry about the same thing
              i have done in 3 cars with my bullbar no damage to my surf at all
              bull bar a bit twisted but its not noticeable
              i realy do drive very slow on back streets just coz of the worry
              my only fear with driveing is if i ever run a kiddy over
              i dont think i could live with that
              so has a result of that i drive realy slow i never brake the speed limets
              and iam all ways aware of what time it is
              like school hollidays and weekends after school
              sound daft to some but i have no kids
              and knowing them times aint something ya just know
              i have to ask people with kids about hollidays and stuff
              i also make a mental note of any street i drive on were a kid has ran out
              and from ever more when i get to them spots i slow nearly to a stop

              every car has its dangers a bull bar adds to that danger
              so thinking like i do can one day save alife
              anything is deadly if the owner is not aware of them dangers

              its about being aware people very aware
              yes this hits a note for me
              its my only fear
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #8
                As a reborn cyclist, I know exactly where you're coming from. The worst people are the ones who make eye contact with you before pulling out in front of you!! If they aint looking, you're ready for them - if they look at you, last thing you expect is them putting the flank of their beemer across your path!

                I cycle almost entirely offroad these days. Its more enjoyable, and you dont have to mix it with stunningly impatient idiots.

                Crash hats - a must! A mate of mine had his headtube detatch from his top tube at 30mph+ on a gnarly downhill. He landed on his head, smashed his helmet to bits, but walked away with a sprained wrist and battered pride.

                Give your lad my best.
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  Originally posted by DaveHMS View Post
                  Cheers for the kind comments chaps.
                  This incident has raised a bit of a conscience issue re the A bar on the truck.
                  I know there was a lot of fuss about 'Bull Bars' a while back & for sure if a person impacts on the bar in an accident, the injuries would be far more serious than a collision with the front end metalwork that folds up.
                  I was responsible for doing a lot of damage rear ending a Mercedes a few years back with my HiLux truck. The Merc folded in a bad way, absorbing all the energy of the impact, the truck & A bar were un-damaged.
                  The bar would be totally unforgiving on the human body.
                  I guess this may bring up a few mixed thoughts.
                  Definitely something to think about.
                  Were Surfs made with crumple zones ?
                  私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
                    Definitely something to think about.
                    Were Surfs made with crumple zones ?
                    I wouldn't have thought so. Not compared to modern cars anyway
                    “Do or do not... there is no try.”


                    • #11
                      glad to hear he's ok dave,

                      you guys are lucky with your NHS,

                      from my experiences of A&E here,

                      unless you have bones sticking out your skin or you have go private,

                      you do not get seen here for a minimum of 12hrs, even if reffered by your GP,

                      one of our guys fell off a ladder in Jersey and got seen in St Hellier fairly pronto, got tablets and flew home,

                      went to A&E here the following to get a proper check up and walked out after sitting there from 8am till 00:30, got a local clinic to bandage it up....


                      • #12
                        My dad was rushed into hospital today in a diabetic coma.The hospital staff,Paramedics and the ambulance and also GP were great today.
                        we won't know anything tonight but he is being kept in on the emergency admissions unit
                        Glad your son is ok Dave


                        • #13
                          Glad to hear he's OK Dave. My local general is meant to be one of the worst in the country but A+E have always been faultless.
                          shame my GP is useless.

                          Rich, hope your dad is OK


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by blackpoolsparks View Post
                            Definitely something to think about.
                            Were Surfs made with crumple zones ?
                            I'm petty sure that Surfs don't have what would be considered crumple zones but for sure the panel metalwork would be more forgiving than the 2" tube structure protruding from the front of my truck. I haven't made a definite decision as to whether it's coming off yet - it if does, it'll be on the parts page c/w the original spots.
                            Thanks for your thoughts guys.
                            Rich, all the best to you for your dad.

