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Twisted Instigator

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  • Twisted Instigator

    Hi Karen.Any news from the garage

  • #2
    Hi ya,

    Sorry for not being on here sooner. Had a bit of a time of it! PC World currently have my laptop for repairs. Thankfully under warranty! Relegated to the oh so slow desktop. It has the speed of a striking earthworm!!

    The garage have said that is the only type of rad they can get?! He also said that it was actually better rather than worse as it has a larger cooling area and is therefore more expensive. He's said he'll take it out & return it to the manufacturer but that I'll have to provide the replacement rad. The minor leaks seem to be coming from one of the seals on the pipes & not the rad itself. Don't know if that's from where they've put them back on when changing the rad. He said the pipes were old & perishing. They looked pretty intact to me & it was at the clip it was leaking slightly rather than the pipe itself.

    I'm in two minds whether to leave the rad as is. If he takes it out the car will be in the garage for god knows how long as I won't have the money to get a new one until I get the refund from that one! I also wouldn't be able to go & collect one as the car would be rad-less!

    If it doesn't make that much difference then I'll leave it as is. Save a lot of mucking about. Unsurprisingly he wasn't too complimentary about the advice given to me. He asked me to take it in this week so he could take the plate off & have a good look around at the pipework & leak & see if there's anything else needs doing. I told him I didn't have the money until after the end of the month. I won't be going back there I don't think.

    I didn't even mention the wheels/tyres. Didn't think it was worth it. I'll just get them done somewhere else I know. Bit further to go but the fella there knows my Dad & knows it's worse to pi$$ me off than him.

    Mainly annoyed at not having the money to get anything done at all at the mo!

    Looking forward to when I can take it for the full service!
    It's only kinky the first time...


    • #3
      If he is on about sending the rad back then he has to pay for a replacement rad as you have already paid for the one he fitted.The fan deffo needs to be sorted tho as that will puncture the rad if it hasn't already.Tony knows you will probably get in touch anyway.If you want his number go to www.4x4toys.co.uk use the mobile number though.He will be back at home Saturday as he is down here at the moment


      • #4
        he reckons he can't get a replacement one. Not the right one anyway. Personally I think that's just twaddle! I'd get a refund, but I'd also have to supply the replacement rad. I wouldn't be out of pocket but he seems to be trying to make it as awkward as poss to do it. Told him I could get the rad (courtsey of Sumo) & he said it'd be risky & a waste of money paying out for a secondhand rad. He liked it even less when I said it would free!

        I pm'd Tony the other day but no reply as yet.

        If it comes to it I may just take out a small loan & get the whole lot done in one hit with Tony! Had enough now.

        Bl00dy cars & garages!

        I seriously need to win the lottery...
        It's only kinky the first time...


        • #5
          tell him to get the rad from roughtrax the right one and then send the other one back.Its his fault so he has to sort it with minimum disruption to you


          • #6
            How much difference would the other rad make? is it smaller & would that actually be better? I must admit, I'm confused about it.

            The fan that's on there is on a fitted mounting bracket & that's what was on there previously, so he has fitted like for like. I said about getting rid of the fan & he said 'oh no, you need that!' I mentioned about the proper fan for it & he asked if I had one. He just kept shaking his head & asked if I'm getting it repaired or trying to restore to it's original condition? Told him I'd like it to be repaired with the proper parts!

            If I order a rad off rough trax then it will no doubt cost me more too.

            Think I might just trade it all in for a bike/trike & get a bandana!
            It's only kinky the first time...


            • #7
              Just had a quick check on RoughTrax & the only one they do now is a combo rad for both Automatic & Manual. According to site that's what Toyota are doing now & they're following suit. It's £165. That's about what I paid for my one including fitting! Nice looking rad, if I had the disposable income I would go for that.

              Seen the price for the proper fan too...

              I think this is gonna be a long term project!
              It's only kinky the first time...


              • #8
                Originally posted by Twisted Instigator View Post
                How much difference would the other rad make? is it smaller & would that actually be better? I must admit, I'm confused about it.

                The fan that's on there is on a fitted mounting bracket & that's what was on there previously, so he has fitted like for like. I said about getting rid of the fan & he said 'oh no, you need that!' I mentioned about the proper fan for it & he asked if I had one. He just kept shaking his head & asked if I'm getting it repaired or trying to restore to it's original condition? Told him I'd like it to be repaired with the proper parts!

                If I order a rad off rough trax then it will no doubt cost me more too.

                Think I might just trade it all in for a bike/trike & get a bandana!
                Sumo has got a rad that you can have hasn't he.
                The fan will be ok but the trouble is it has been mounted wrong.If it hasn't already holed the rad then it will soon do as its rubbing and vibrating against it.
                The other fan you dont have to buy a new one as i got several here that are good..
                The electric fan is a good thing but only if mounted in the right place which your one isn't


                • #9
                  Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                  Sumo has got a rad that you can have hasn't he.
                  The fan will be ok but the trouble is it has been mounted wrong.If it hasn't already holed the rad then it will soon do as its rubbing and vibrating against it.
                  The other fan you dont have to buy a new one as i got several here that are good..
                  The electric fan is a good thing but only if mounted in the right place which your one isn't
                  Hi Karan, I will hang on to the rad untill you decide if you want it or not just give us a ring or PM me when or if you want it.
                  If the puddles to deep..LEARN TO SCUBA.


                  • #10
                    Right, decisions have been made. As the rad itself is sound i'm gonna leave as is. I'm gonna change the clip on the top pipe that seems to be where it's leaking from & if needs be change the pipe. I will get one of the proper fans off of you Rich as that definitely needs to go! I'll ask Tony to take the old one out when he does the service & then we can put the proper one on.

                    I've still not heard back from Tony as yet so I'll give him a call next week when he's back & see what he says. It will get there eventually!!

                    Thank you for all your help & advice so far, keep it coming! Very much appreciated
                    It's only kinky the first time...

