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Attaching pics???

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  • Attaching pics???

    How do I attach an avatar to my profile and a pic in the pic of the month section?

    I am a dizzy pixie, seems my hair should be blonde instead of purple!!

    Rottweilers are like chocolates, you cannot have only one!

  • #2
    You need to pay the site subs to chose a custom avatar. To pick from one of the site ones, click the User CP button up there on the left.
    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


    • #3
      Easiest way to post pics up is to open a photobucket account (free) at photobucket.com
      Then tick the picture, click on "generate HTML and IMG code", copy it, and paste it here.

      This is one of me.
      Sent from the iPad you "lost"


      • #4
        Thanks for the info guys.

        Albannach, I like the pic of your SV, i`ve got a CBR600.

        Slobodan, I dont usually take the p**s out of people (my mother raised a nice polite little pixie!) but what the hell is going on with that head????? You are 1 ugly mother ******! May I suggest you sell all your vehicles and have plastic surgery. Im no stunner, thats why I wear my lovely purple hair in a "cousin it" style!!! lol
        Rottweilers are like chocolates, you cannot have only one!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Purple Pixie View Post
          Thanks for the info guys.

          Albannach, I like the pic of your SV, i`ve got a CBR600.

          Slobodan, I dont usually take the p**s out of people (my mother raised a nice polite little pixie!) but what the hell is going on with that head????? You are 1 ugly mother ******! May I suggest you sell all your vehicles and have plastic surgery. Im no stunner, thats why I wear my lovely purple hair in a "cousin it" style!!! lol
          That pic was after the plastic surgery..

