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Top heavy

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  • Top heavy

    Talking to my girlfriend last night about roof racks, and discussing how much weight to comfortably put up there, taking into account weight, high centre of gravity and general (lifted) 4x4 tipping over gubbins.

    Whenever I've loaded the roof I've had it in the back of my mind.

    Suddenly occurred to me to think about the weight inside the Surf. In the back at all times I have amongst other random cr@p:

    A Hi-lift Jack
    20ft of heavy duty chain
    Few shackles
    Couple of pulley blocks
    box of assorted tools, oil, spare coolant etc.
    Ground anchor and pins weighing around 60kg
    20-30 litres of unmixed veg oil

    Which adds up to... feckin heavy.

    Less worried about the roof weight now. Could even stick a spare up there!*

    So the moral of the story is, keep your Surf full of crap you very rarely need. It could save your life.

    *Of course I would never do this as it is guaranteed to make the flux capacitor burn out, sending all occupants to somewhere around 1349

  • #2
    and i thought this thread was gonna be about your girlfreind..


    • #3


      • #4
        Just watch mate - with that load in the back, emergency stops and even minor crashes can become interesting as your rear load wants to keep moving into the front.

        Back in the day Baby


        • #5
          dont worry about it....

          that 2 tonne you have in the back will keep that 1 tonne on the roof right where you want it!
          My Surf eats knuckles for breakfast!


          • #6
            Originally posted by stormforce View Post
            and i thought this thread was gonna be about your girlfreind..
            Same! top heavy racks
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #7
              Originally posted by dieselboy View Post
              Same! top heavy racks
              also known as spaniels ears...
              My Surf eats knuckles for breakfast!


              • #8
                Originally posted by che2318 View Post
                also known as spaniels ears...
                Oh Nana, what's my name?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vultch View Post
                  Just watch mate - with that load in the back, emergency stops and even minor crashes can become interesting as your rear load wants to keep moving into the front.
                  No sh1t. That's why everything from shackles
                  upwards is strapped down with ratchet straps.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                    No sh1t. That's why everything from shackles
                    upwards is strapped down with ratchet straps.
                    I'm good at that " stating the obvious" just in case....

                    Back in the day Baby


                    • #11
                      That's inertia I think
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Vultch View Post
                        I'm good at that " stating the obvious" just in case....
                        With you on that. I used to run a shop years ago. One of my ancient staff (who bore a striking resemblance to Nursey/Bernard from Blackadder the second) said the rear of her car had lost traction occasionally so her husband had put 2 concrete fence posts on the boot to weigh it down a bit. I asked her if it was secured at all. She said 'no dear, but it's ok I don't wear a seatbelt'

                        Go figure.


                        • #13
                          For me its driving in Ice /snow... downhill on a motorway keeping the speed to 40 mph, I can feel the Surf struggling for grip, the steering is light...
                          Only to be overtaken by a Ford galaxy, female driver, kids in the back at about 60 mph

                          Back in the day Baby


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by biosurf View Post
                            A Hi-lift Jack
                            20ft of heavy duty chain
                            Few shackles
                            Couple of pulley blocks
                            box of assorted tools, oil, spare coolant etc.
                            Ground anchor and pins weighing around 60kg
                            20-30 litres of unmixed veg oil
                            Which adds up to... feckin heavy.
                            Less worried about the roof weight now. Could even stick a spare up there!*
                            So the moral of the story is, keep your Surf full of crap you very rarely need. It could save your life.
                            Nice one Paul ...
                            Sounds just like mine


                            "Cos short cuts cost more in the long run"
                            Buncefield Burner


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Vultch View Post
                              For me its driving in Ice /snow... downhill on a motorway keeping the speed to 40 mph, I can feel the Surf struggling for grip, the steering is light...
                              Only to be overtaken by a Ford galaxy, female driver, kids in the back at about 60 mph

                              So you're saying that a mum is a better driver than you then ???

                              Life is too important to take seriously !

