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  • #16
    me too gutted

    ive said that about becks from the start of the tournament, his hearts not in english soccer anymore since he went to spain - i said that dint i, dint i tell you?

    must have been someone else i told then


    • #17
      Beckham has had a very poor Euro2004..........he just hasn't featured.

      The rest of Europe are saying he's a spent force as far a football goes and is only interested in his own publicity and £££££££££..................... .who can disagree???????????

      He needs to get away from Madrid......................as ap.........if he wants to be remembered for his footballing talent.

      Makes me sad remembering what a player he was pior to the Madrid move, to what he is now.


      • #18
        Can't blame Becks tonight.... It were all down to 5hitty refereeing.

        Home advantage...Whatever......

        My flag stays up...

        P.S. Im used to disappointment as I support Newcastle.
        Charlie Don't Surf..http://static.photobox.co.uk/public/...10805138.s.jpg


        • #19
          You can't blame the referee he made a mistake in a split second.........we had 90 minutes....................... ...we just weren't good enough.......................


          • #20
            Was Beckham playing then??


            • #21
              England are crap plain and simple, you can blame the penalty spot, you can blame the ref for the disallowed goal, bottom line is we shouldn't have let two goals in and we would have won 1-0 so all the rest is irrelevant. Oh it all went downhill when Rooney came off, what the whole team hinges on an 18 year old, oh brilliant, well just goes to show how crap they really are with out him.
              The 66 squad would have played with more pride, conviction, zest than that lot, its about time putting an England shirt on meant something like pride, representing your country at the highest level not just a few more quid in the pocket, if half this team played with the passion Ian Wright, Brooking, and the 66 Squad used to they would have played 90% better than last night.
              I can't believe people say we were the better team, if that was the case why are we going home and Portugal are still in it, simple we were not better, never have been since 66 and we never will be for the foreseable future based on that , was going to say performance but effort will do.
              Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

              My 4x4
              My choice
              Back off


              • #22
                Originally posted by Koi
                England are crap plain and simple, you can blame the penalty spot, you can blame the ref for the disallowed goal, bottom line is we shouldn't have let two goals in and we would have won 1-0 so all the rest is irrelevant. Oh it all went downhill when Rooney came off, what the whole team hinges on an 18 year old, oh brilliant, well just goes to show how crap they really are with out him.
                The 66 squad would have played with more pride, conviction, zest than that lot, its about time putting an England shirt on meant something like pride, representing your country at the highest level not just a few more quid in the pocket, if half this team played with the passion Ian Wright, Brooking, and the 66 Squad used to they would have played 90% better than last night.
                I can't believe people say we were the better team, if that was the case why are we going home and Portugal are still in it, simple we were not better, never have been since 66 and we never will be for the foreseable future based on that , was going to say performance but effort will do.

                why beat about the bush nige, just say it like it is.



                • #23
                  I must apologise if I offended anyone last night.
                  Stella judgement was taking effect!!

                  Ah well, at least we can now look forward to 'tiger Tim' doing his bit!
                  Charlie Don't Surf..http://static.photobox.co.uk/public/...10805138.s.jpg


                  • #24
                    What a p**s poor performance. Midfield.....rubbish. Only three players on that pitch have played well all tournement. Ashley Cole, Sol Campbell and Rooney. No I'm not saying Rooney is the wonder boy that the whole team hinges on, but he is a CLASS player. Cole fantastic speed and stamina. Campbell...well what can I say.

                    !!!!!! awful ref decision but thats the way the game goes.

                    I am a big england supporter but I didn't expect them to get that far! If we had won ( I'm going to get slated for this ) we didn't deserve it.

                    Outplayed, outmarked, outclassed.

                    Lets try better in Germany World Cup

                    I NEED TO OFFROAD!


                    • #25
                      THis is doing the rounds at work.....
                      Attached Files
                      Mike G


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Tallyman
                        THis is doing the rounds at work.....

                        and this one
                        Attached Files
                        Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                        My 4x4
                        My choice
                        Back off


                        • #27
                          And this..
                          Attached Files
                          Mike G


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Koi
                            England are crap plain and simple, you can blame the penalty spot, you can blame the ref for the disallowed goal, bottom line is we shouldn't have let two goals in and we would have won 1-0 so all the rest is irrelevant. Oh it all went downhill when Rooney came off, what the whole team hinges on an 18 year old, oh brilliant, well just goes to show how crap they really are with out him.
                            The 66 squad would have played with more pride, conviction, zest than that lot, its about time putting an England shirt on meant something like pride, representing your country at the highest level not just a few more quid in the pocket, if half this team played with the passion Ian Wright, Brooking, and the 66 Squad used to they would have played 90% better than last night.
                            I can't believe people say we were the better team, if that was the case why are we going home and Portugal are still in it, simple we were not better, never have been since 66 and we never will be for the foreseable future based on that , was going to say performance but effort will do.
                            Spoken like a true scholar Nigel.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Alun
                              I must apologise if I offended anyone last night.
                              Stella judgement was taking effect!!

                              Ah well, at least we can now look forward to 'tiger Tim' doing his bit!
                              Tiger Tim??? Bwahahaha, dont make me larff.

