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Defending your home in Ireland

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  • Defending your home in Ireland

    I know its been discussed on the forum before but worth a read


    Back in the day Baby

  • #2
    I know mr martin had a rough time after shooting a pikey,no matter what, if anyone breaks into my place, I will shoot first and ask questions later !
    Death rides a Black Horse


    • #3
      i allways have a wepon to hand
      i have been attact in my own home before
      it kinda sticks with ya once its happend
      a crash helmet and curling bar was needed that day or i would have been shot
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #4
        i fgeel like telling ya this story while mi mate turns up to help me

        i did have a very mad women live nextdoor to me in the oakhill flats
        very roof place its been knocked down now

        the woman nextdoor started to blame us me and the wife
        for robbing her flat
        she did not say that to the police just to most the blokes in the pub
        she started telling people that there was a drug dealer living nextdoor and he keep threating me
        this was getting a few blokes in the pub a bit p1ssed off

        she then told 2 realy mad blokes that i had tryed rapeing her
        well who would not react to that

        they smshed my door in i made the wife go over the roofs out the window
        i then was meet by 2 big blokes that wanted to kill me
        iam not a push over my self
        i started to make my way to them
        when one of them pulled a big pease of glass out of the now broken door
        he started to swing it at me
        it got me just under my chin he shouted iam going to feking kill ya
        the other started shouting slit the bastawds throut
        i was blocking the sheet of glass with my arm the bone bit
        i have scrares from it
        i was jumping around like a cat dogeing them 2 dudes
        they smashed my flat up
        i was still in there holding em off me
        after about 30 mins they feked off next door
        the cops turned up and did nothing

        i made it a war after that 12 years this went on for 6 years i lived next door to her
        i cleared my name
        iam well known so i did not have a problem about the lies
        one of the blokes who iam now good friends with
        told me why he and his mate had come down
        i found every person that robb her flat
        got them to tell her it was them not me
        and still she blamed not me now my wife the little paci bastawd has she called her
        i put shutters on the doors and windows coz i got sick of them going through
        she had my flat robbed about 2-3 times by her brothers

        all this came to a head
        i was going through the local park
        and dawn (the sh1t from next door) shouted ya fekin robbing paci shagging bastawd
        that was it for me
        i blow my top
        compleatly lost it i even smacked her dad her and her brothers
        she was going to have me in court but it never came about
        she now trying running me over from time to time
        i nearly rammed the bich in the surfs a few years ago
        she now hangs her head
        yes women are far worse than men
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
          i allways have a wepon to hand
          i have been attact in my own home before
          it kinda sticks with ya once its happend
          a crash helmet and curling bar was needed that day or i would have been shot
          that was part of it
          these pikeys turned up and tryed what they call taxing me?
          they came looking for drugs
          well who else but next door thought that
          every one else know i have a rich familiy i aint in no need to deal drugs ever

          i chased these pikeys off but not before i showed em there is no drugs mate
          ya have the wrong flat
          the guy said this is 25 knightwood place
          i said yes he replyed well we have the right place then
          i showed em there is nowt here for you
          at witch piont one tryed to pick up my denom stacker hifi
          i went daft
          helmat i had i motorbike then and mi curling bar from my wieghts

          run after them down the stairs and a 2 barreled thing was then shown
          i just backed off and they left

          never trust a women
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #6
            What if I dont have a home in Ireland?
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              Originally posted by Apache View Post
              What if I dont have a home in Ireland?
              Then you are free to shoot all you like but statistically you'll miss!
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #8
                I live about ten miles up the road from Tony Martin he did have a rough time of it you are right. If I found someone on my property and I thought myself or any of my Family was in mortal danger I would not hesitate to defend myself with Firearms....Just as long as they would give me enough time to unlock my cabinets......


                • #9
                  Judwak, thats a sad story, you must have been through hell and back, there is no justice in this SH$T hole of a Country anymore it seems the law is on the Criminals side, glad you are sorted a bit now.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Webbo View Post
                    Judwak, thats a sad story, you must have been through hell and back, there is no justice in this SH$T hole of a Country anymore it seems the law is on the Criminals side, glad you are sorted a bit now.
                    it was hell and nothing but
                    cops dont help
                    i gave her room coz she is sick in the head
                    i never give no one room to do anything now
                    be nice to the dudes next door ya have to live with em too
                    iam a friendly person normaly
                    its just some people are hell bent on makeing your life hell
                    it happends in the work place at home in the pubs
                    on hollidays even in schools
                    they are not daft people but cold callis people that plan there next move
                    they spend most they time thinking of ways to get at you and make your life hell
                    never think anyone who makes your life hell is silly daft or a retard
                    most the time they are far from it

                    things i found out later about the whole thing was a real eye opener
                    i moved out of home at 13 to live with a woman
                    by the time i was 17 i lived with who is now my wife
                    so i learnt that lesson really early in life
                    along with alot of others
                    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

