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Interesting website offroad routes

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  • Interesting website offroad routes

    This is an interesting website that has come live this week you can add any offroad routes you have plus you can see any routes someone else has put on


    It is free to register give it ago

  • #2
    nice find Pete.

    i have just spent a week in Barmouth, so thought i would try some lanes
    1st one was blocked with a digger
    2nd one looked like i leafy covered footpath thru the woods
    3rd one was a tarmaced road that led to a farm
    yet all of these are marked as BOATs and are on trailwise. so i ended up doing Bomber lane and a few other ORPAs.

    it would be good if there was a site with definative lanes and upto date status reports. trailwise is OK if you know before hand were you are going.
    Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


    • #3
      Hi John
      I know what you mean If any one use the site they will have make sure that the lanes are legal to drive
      I will try and put something together for a weekend in Wales latter in the year


      • #4
        Originally posted by 4 Runner View Post
        Hi John
        I know what you mean If any one use the site they will have make sure that the lanes are legal to drive
        I will try and put something together for a weekend in Wales latter in the year
        nice idea Pete i know there are a load around here that will make it a weekend job if interested.
        i tryed the idea of an august weekend centred around Barmouth earlier in the year but there was no takers.
        keep in touch and lets see if we can make this happen
        Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


        • #5
          Depending on when it is I may well be interested. It'll be a balance between having time and having money (they tend not to be available at the same instant!)

