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Wahoo! Ground anchored up!

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  • Wahoo! Ground anchored up!

    Been looking for a plate and pin ground anchor for ages that wasn't
    too pricey. Finally found a guy selling one based in London. Looked
    into getting it couriered but the total weight was 60kg which even
    using Shiply came out at £60!!
    Feck it I thought I can get there in my lunch break. So today I Bought
    a foldable 90kg sack barrow for £40 and a roll of gaffer tape and got
    on the tube.

    Got there taped all 8 stone of it onto the barrow and set off back.
    Feck me it was heavy. Dragged it half a mile to the tube station, 20
    minutes in the tube, half a mile back to work then a mile back to
    Waterloo from work at the end of the day.
    Got train home then cab from the station for a fiver.

    Finally after many moments of thinking it was s harebrained idea
    (particularly when I has to drag it over a dug up section of
    pavement!) it's home and packed in the back of the surf!!

    My arms ache my legs ache but it Cost £15 less than the courier and I
    have a sack barrow for hauling containers for veg around.


  • #2
    Originally posted by biosurf View Post
    My arms ache my legs ache but it Cost £15 less than the courier and I have a sack barrow for hauling containers for veg around.
    Not to mention feeling healthier from all that extra exercise!


    • #3
      Top Man !

      Improvise or perish ! excellent result !
      Death rides a Black Horse


      • #4
        Its similar to this but the plate is 13mm angle http://www.denbigharmysurplus.co.uk/...chor-Base.html


        • #5
          Dare i ask what you need that for ?
          Death rides a Black Horse


          • #6
            If you get stuck offroading either on your own or with noone in front (and if you have to go forward) and there are no trees to attach your winch to.

            Its a bit of a 'better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it' toy.


            • #7
              Good call ! I bow to your expertise Sir ! thought you were setting up a forward operating base somewhere !
              Death rides a Black Horse

