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Trying to come back from the Darkside !

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  • Trying to come back from the Darkside !

    The other half and I owned a 2nd gen surf each for 6/7 years with no problems, she fancied something smaller and got a Pug 406, and whilst "borrowing" mine because hers couldn't get her to work in the snow in Janruary she took out a telegraph pole after a 70 yard downhill slide .... bye bye surf !

    I was in a bit of a rush for a 4 x 4 as i needed one for my business and made the mistake of spending 10K on a Disco (don't be too harsh) ..... and I can't stand the slug ..... it's been in and out of the garage more times than I care to remember, it's slow, ugly and unreliable.

    I'm now after a 3rd Gen around a T Reg with low miles and I'm having a problem finding anyone who deals with them these days off the forecourt, where have all the dealers gone, there used to be 4 of 'em within a 15 mile radius when we lived in South Wales ??

    Am I going to have to go down the route of going through an importer like Algy's or are there any decent dealers in the Worcestershire area please.

  • #2
    Theres a few on here who imported themselves, try a search should bring up some of the previous threads on the subject
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      welcome dude
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #4
        If you can afford it, go through Algy's (or similar - other importers also exist). I know I would do! That way you will be getting something fresh into the UK (and hence getting a vehicle that hasn't endured a UK winter yet).

        Good luck with getting yourself another Surf and welcome to the loony bin!


        • #5
          google "sabe imports" some beauties on there. H

