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  • #16
    Originally posted by Vultch View Post
    World Cup is working out like WW2 -France have forfeited, the USA turned up late, and England are left to fight the Germans!
    Just what my colleague said this morning. It's very entertaining!

    Paper read last night that the French are blaming us! (English)
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #17
      Originally posted by Algol View Post
      You want the Americans to win, Russia to come a close second and the British empire to be put in the dustbin of history?

      Fair enough, but Russia aren't even in this world cup

      Thats just the point of view as seen by an American, so I thought?
      Oh Nana, what's my name?


      • #18
        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
        He started it!

        Maybe the thread title should have read;

        If you hate football don't look.

        I assumed it WAS going to be an anti-football thread, not a troll stirring things up.
        OK Vince,

        fair point
        Death rides a Black Horse


        • #19
          Originally posted by tavvi View Post
          ... so if you don't like football (who gives a f*&k) move along to the next thread, the title makes clear what the subject matter is.

          I can't believe there are no red blooded patriotic Englishmen on this forum. What's the matter with you all? Anyway, good luck for tonight - from a Scotsman who genuinely hopes you do well.
          iam a red blooded patriotic Englishmen/yorkshire man
          tiz the reason i dont do foot ball
          tell me one team that has players from that town or city
          weres the patriotic feeling in that?

          the rules is only 7 players have to be from the country it represents

          so whats in foot ball to be patriotic about?

          all i hear from most of these full blooded patriotic Englishmen is how they hate the foreign people take the p1ss

          well tell me one team that represents its country with only that country's people in it?
          there is non

          teams are made of who ever can play and fek were they come from
          its not what football was invented for is it

          i hate football for that reason and that reason only
          its a cash cow
          if you want to feed it then do so
          but dont ever tell me you do it coz your patriotic

          if you were patriotic about it boycote it untill they give the teams back to the towns and citys they come from
          like i do

          patriotic do you know what it realy means
          you feed ya cash cow

          red blooded patriotic Englishmen are hateing football right now
          over payed players?
          over priced
          and all players from over seas
          patriotic game my asres
          Last edited by JUDWAK; 24 June 2010, 19:54.
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #20
            Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
            iam a red blooded patriotic Englishmen/yorkshire man
            tiz the reason i dont do foot ball
            tell me one team that has players from that town or city
            weres the patriotic feeling in that?

            the rules is only 7 players have to be from the country it represents

            so whats in foot ball to be patriotic about?

            all i hear from most of these full blooded patriotic Englishmen is how they hate the foreign people take the p1ss

            well tell me one team that represents its country with only that country's people in it?
            there is non

            teams are made of who ever can play and fek were they come from
            its not what football was invented for is it

            i hate football for that reason and that reason only
            its a cash cow
            if you want to feed it then do so
            but dont ever tell me you do it coz your patriotic

            if you were patriotic about it boycote it untill they give the teams back to the towns and citys they come from
            like i do

            patriotic do you know what it realy means
            you feed ya cash cow

            red blooded patriotic Englishmen are hateing football right now
            over payed players?
            over priced
            and all players from over seas
            patriotic game my asres

            players may be overpaid, but football is a private buisiness which can pay players as much as they want.

            since England are playing......im pretty sure the players on the England squad are all.......English.

            being patriotic is for ones country not ones home town or city team.

            so just because there are alot of foreign players in the football leagues....that does not stop me being patriotic for my country....England.
            My Surf eats knuckles for breakfast!


            • #21
              Originally posted by che2318 View Post
              players may be overpaid, but football is a private buisiness which can pay players as much as they want.

              since England are playing......im pretty sure the players on the England squad are all.......English.


              private buisiness yes
              but its not allways been private buisiness has it
              you lot feed that private buisiness?

              its not patriotic to to feed a private buisiness is it?

              they put on an england bagde that makes you feel patriotic?
              so do the bnp
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #22
                Choose your weapons........


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                  Choose your weapons........
                  top right brown one please

                  i bet i can get a good swing with that one
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                  • #24

                    tiz one of them threads
                    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER View Post
                      Choose your weapons........
                      Vince ! at Last !

                      Do you do a nice Radley in beige ?
                      Death rides a Black Horse


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
                        but dont ever tell me you do it coz your patriotic

                        all i hear from most of these full blooded patriotic Englishmen is how they hate the foreign people

                        patriotic do you know what it realy means

                        red blooded patriotic Englishmen are hateing football right now

                        they put on an england bagde that makes you feel patriotic?
                        so do the bnp
                        George, normally your excusably daft, but that deserves a YOu're out your tree!! What has flag waving and supporting England got to do with the BNP? It ####es me off that whenever someone want to show a little support to England they get called racist.

                        I do consider myself reasonably patriotic, who are you to tell me otherwise? I'm proud to support England for all its flaws and good points, and hope they do well in everything they are involved in. Then the rest of the UK and Commonwealth after.

                        I'm enjoying the whole thing, love watching all the games, been good fun. I'll watch the rest regardless who's involved, but be nice if England are still involved.

                        If you don't like football don't watch it, but don't tell others how to think and act.

                        well tell me one team that represents its country with only that country's people in it? There is none
                        WTF? The one thing you can say about the England team on the pitch is it English people playing, not much else is in footie these days.

                        As Vince said, you can post what you like, but if you post what I consider drivel, I'll call you out over it, especially if you're going tell me I am not patriotic, or what I can or can't do...
                        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                          George, normally your excusably daft, but that deserves a YOu're out your tree!!
                          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                          What has flag waving and supporting England got to do with the BNP? It ####es me off that whenever someone want to show a little support to England they get called racist.
                          who said owt about racist?
                          waving the flag to make people feel patriotic is what they do
                          feeding football is far better than feeding the bnp
                          but by what i read the reply i put it in was pionting out that they both wave it
                          but we only feel patriotic about what we want to
                          some see the flag and go all patriotic with out no thought

                          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                          I do consider myself reasonably patriotic, who are you to tell me otherwise? I'm proud to support England for all its flaws and good points, and hope they do well in everything they are involved in. Then the rest of the UK and Commonwealth after.
                          and right fully so iam not saying other wise iam pointing out why alot of patriotic people boycote football
                          i feel more for the uk than most do

                          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                          I'm enjoying the whole thing, love watching all the games, been good fun. I'll watch the rest regardless who's involved, but be nice if England are still involved.
                          and if they not? what do i do then?
                          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                          If you don't like football don't watch it,
                          i dont do football
                          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                          but don't tell others how to think and act.
                          so whats this then?
                          Originally posted by tavvi View Post
                          ... so if you don't like football (who gives a f*&k) move along to the next thread, the title makes clear what the subject matter is.

                          I can't believe there are no red blooded patriotic Englishmen on this forum. What's the matter with you all? Anyway, good luck for tonight - from a Scotsman who genuinely hopes you do well.

                          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                          WTF? The one thing you can say about the England team on the pitch is it English people playing, not much else is in footie these days.
                          you sure?

                          Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                          As Vince said, you can post what you like, but if you post what I consider drivel, I'll call you out over it, especially if you're going tell me I am not patriotic, or what I can or can't do...
                          iam not your just taking it that way
                          but thanks i will keep posting
                          has iam sure you will
                          we are all grown up here
                          Last edited by JUDWAK; 25 June 2010, 13:57.
                          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post

                            private buisiness yes
                            but its not allways been private buisiness has it
                            you lot feed that private buisiness?

                            its not patriotic to to feed a private buisiness is it?

                            they put on an england bagde that makes you feel patriotic?
                            so do the bnp

                            so...you dont feed private buisiness then? where do you shop? most things you buy are from a private buisiness.

                            as for only feeling patriotic about what we want to...

                            I see the flag and feel patriotic because of what it stands for, for the years, decades and centuries of strife that was endured so we still have this nation under our feet. I am patriotic all the time except it shows more during events like the world cup etc. this mainly due to the fact if one is patriotic nowadays it is seen as they are racist, which I am not.

                            I joined the Army because i love this country and like TonyN said ''for all its flaws and good points''.

                            im not bothered about football being a private buisiness as it is a sport. it provides jobs, entertainment and a whole lot of taxes.

                            Originally Posted by TonyN
                            I'm enjoying the whole thing, love watching all the games, been good fun. I'll watch the rest regardless who's involved, but be nice if England are still involved.

                            Judwark reply
                            and if they not? what do i do then?

                            what do you mean? ''what do i do?'', its not the end of the world if England go out.

                            the only player on the pitch who you may call non english is Hargreaves as he was born in Canada but im not sure on the details as whether he was just born there or the parents were there when he was born etc.
                            My Surf eats knuckles for breakfast!


                            • #29
                              i agree with that dude

                              iam not and never going to say anyone is racist

                              and what i mean by
                              what do i do then?

                              thats just coz tony put
                              but be nice if England are still involved.

                              i'll wait to be bad then?
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by tavvi View Post
                                ... so if you don't like football (who gives a f*&k) move along to the next thread, the title makes clear what the subject matter is.

                                I can't believe there are no red blooded patriotic Englishmen on this forum. What's the matter with you all? Anyway, good luck for tonight - from a Scotsman who genuinely hopes you do well.
                                a judwak first eh? no more bubbles

                                tiz this bit that got me to start fishing i dint want tony to bite tho
                                red blooded patriotic Englishmen
                                iam not going to ever have that said to me
                                iam more a red blooded patriotic yorkshireman than anyone i know
                                red blooded patriotic about all things in the uk
                                just not sport of any kind
                                i have no time for it
                                too bizzy learning about this place we call home
                                iam into history and its wars nowt is going to tell me what red blooded patriotic means

                                i just feel there is more things to focus my time on than sport
                                iam a full red blooded patriotic person
                                i feel there is more to the uk (not england) to be patriotic about
                                wales scottland england and yorkshire
                                we all stand for so much more than football
                                football has its history in the uk
                                i have read all about it
                                it was cotton mill v coal mines v steele works
                                they were the first teams sheffield united (all tho it was twin teamed in jamaca)then sheffield wendsday (but football was invented by 2 english dudes in france) or so i read
                                one works takeing on another
                                hence why some towns and citys have 2 teams
                                after the late 1890 there were a fair few teams about the uk
                                much better then than now
                                top players got 17 quid a year on top of there daily jobs
                                yes these were people not gods
                                just people from your local town people you knew and saw every day

                                patriotic? we all were then i would have loved the sport then
                                but never now
                                there is history in every part of the uk
                                i feel football has lost its way
                                its now a cash cow
                                we are crap at it anyway
                                Last edited by JUDWAK; 25 June 2010, 14:48.
                                am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

