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Dogs and lawns

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  • Dogs and lawns

    Those of you with dogs(especially bitches) will know that dogs pee burns grass,leaving ugly brown patches everywhere,2 months after getting our bitch last year the once pristine lawn was more brown than green.Tried without success to get her to pee on a ungrassed area,then read somewhere that adding 2 tablespoons of tomato juice to each feed would neutralise the acid,and it WORKS, after 2 months the lawn is green again,not one brown patch!

  • #2
    Thanks for sharing that, will give it a try this week - been driving me mad!


    • #3
      Sometimes happens with dogs as well as bitches.

      You can get crystals to add to their water bowls to help stop this problem:


      We just fenced off the lawn so the dogs can't go on it!


      • #4
        take the f**ker for a walk. H


        • #5
          Originally posted by Hazzo View Post
          take the f**ker for a walk. H
          Sod that, its pi$$ing down.
          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


          • #6
            get rid of the lawn gravel that's what you want they can p155 on it 5h17 on it and dont come into the house with muddy paws in the winter .and if they 5h1t on it its easy for your wife to pick up its like a large cat litter tray ,or so she tells me
            Last edited by steve s; 14 June 2010, 19:31.


            • #7
              Originally posted by steve s View Post
              get rid of the lawn gravel that's what you want they can p155 on it 5h17 on it and dont come into the house with muddy paws in the winter .and if they 5h1t on it its easy for your wife to pick up its like a large cat litter tray ,or so she tells me
              Only thing with that is the wheely bin weight's a tonne by the end of the week.
              If its not broke don't fix it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by si tate View Post
                Only thing with that is the wheely bin weight's a tonne by the end of the week.
                with 3 dogs like mine i just shovel it up each day and it goes down the man hole into the drains.Saves having flies etc about all the time

