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  • Help!!!

    I was checking out my turbo to see what was up (see my thread earlier today) and it seems that the vacuum hose that goes onto the nipple on the intake manifold needs replacing.

    However this is not why I need help. Whilst doing this I noticed the coolant was completely empty. I've never even seen it go down so naturally I was curious. It looks like its leaking somehow (I cant quite see how) from the main hose going into the radiator because I can see traces of coolant along the top of the radiator and running down the side below the pipe.
    When I had it in at the garage last week they had to remove the radiator so it seems they have fcuked up somewhere.
    I'm going to take it back to them first thing tomorrow morning but I need to know if I'm okay to get it there. It's only a mile or two away but up a HUGE hill.
    Do I just fill up the coolant tank and that should do for this journey?
    Also please excuse my ignorance but what do I fill it up with exactly?

    Any help much appreciated!

  • #2
    Fill it up through the rad cap to the top, squeeze the pipes with engine running to expell air when done replace rad cap


    • #3
      Originally posted by marky
      Fill it up through the rad cap to the top, squeeze the pipes with engine running to expell air when done replace rad cap
      and pop a bit in the tank... just a few inches so it covers the bottom of the pipe so it doesn't suck in air... they've probably filled it hot and when it's cooled it's sucked the water back in and emptied the bottle
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #4
        Matt i missed that bit oooops


        • #5
          Originally posted by marky
          Matt i missed that bit oooops
          gotta get the post count back up!... been lacking a bit lately!
          nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


          • #6
            Originally posted by marky
            Fill it up through the rad cap to the top, squeeze the pipes with engine running to expell air when done replace rad cap
            Hey thanks for the help!
            Again please excuse my total ignorance but where exactly is the red cap?
            On mine the pipe running from the coolant goes to a Yellow cap before going to the radiator. Is it that?
            Also sorry but exactly what mixture shall I fill it with.

            Really appreciate this guys.


            • #7
              quite right mate
              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dolph
                Hey thanks for the help!
                Again please excuse my total ignorance but where exactly is the red cap?
                On mine the pipe running from the coolant goes to a Yellow cap before going to the radiator. Is it that?
                Also sorry but exactly what mixture shall I fill it with.

                Really appreciate this guys.
                RAD cap "RADiator"... the expansion bottle will have a plastic lid and the radiator has a twist off metal pressure cap.... don't open this one while it's hot or you'll lose your face if you can't run fast! ( i used to such a good looker!)
                nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dabigman
                  RAD cap "RADiator"... the cooland bottle will have a plastic lid and the radiator has a twist off metal pressure cap.... don't open this one while it's hot or you'll lose your face if you can't run fast! ( i used to such a good looker!)
                  I've just re-read it as you have posted this and I'm laughing whilst crying. DOH!
                  I assume it this yellow cap (bottom left corner of this top shot)?

                  What mixture shall I use?
                  Sorry for being hard work. It's not my month. God I sound like a woman.


                  • #10
                    yeah, that's the one... couldn't tell you the mixture it usually says on the bottle eg. 50:50 winter 75:25 summer 25:75 tatas.... but i might be thinking of screenwash!.... other thing is some coolants don't mix with others and all sorts of crap so probably best to empty out the whole lot and fill up with a full load of the same stuff... (i usually just use plain water!!... can't go wrong then!)
                    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

