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The "F" word

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  • #31
    All i'll say about it is whoever dreamed up those soddin plastic trumpets wants one ramed up their ar$e, dam things were sounding late last night and started the dog off, i had to get up to it, settle him down
    Too young to die and too old to give a toss


    • #32
      and choclate eclairs too
      What have I told you about thinking Erroll


      • #33
        Originally posted by Hazzo View Post
        well I was on here and noticed a distinct lack of postings during the match, which I put down to the high proportion of Scots/Welsh/Irish members wearing their ABE T-shirts, glued to the telly cheering on the USA. H
        yup that sounds about right, but i also have a ABF shirt as well....

        theiry the cheater w@nker


        • #34
          Too much of it on telly anyway, especially, if like me you cant stand it, I'm actually hoping they get knocked out as it extends the suffering and shuts up the so called "experts/pundits/crap commentators. H


          • #35
            Was it true that whilst thematch was showing in England,Scotland Ireland. And Wales were watching "wish you were here".
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #36
              i would like to wish his country good luck in the international falling over competition beginning today. With our heartfelt support our young men can show the world that we can throw ourselves to the ground for no apparent reason, feign agony and then scream obscenities furiously at the referee with a skill and grace unparalleled by any other country in the world
              SWIFT AND BOLD


              • #37
                Ya can stick gayball where the sun don't shine
                I NEEED MUD.....and Welsh spring water!!!


                • #38
                  thank fack i was at work and didn't waste 90 mins of my time watching a bunch of no good pathetic losers playing a two bit team with a result that I cant believe any one didnt expect (well apart from losing that is).
                  Sooner that get knocked out the better and life will return to normal.
                  And whoever ranked England 8th in the world is a knob.
                  Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                  My 4x4
                  My choice
                  Back off


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Koi View Post
                    thank fack i was at work and didn't waste 90 mins of my time watching a bunch of no good pathetic losers playing a two bit team with a result that I cant believe any one didnt expect (well apart from losing that is).
                    Sooner that get knocked out the better and life will return to normal.
                    And whoever ranked England 8th in the world is a knob.
                    Say what you mean nigel...get off the fence.
                    Non intercooled nothing.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by si tate View Post
                      Don't worry, after a few more posts the subject will have gone from football to cooking to 4" lifts & 33's.
                      Sorry for leaving it so late, Si, But I was making the tea. Im currently running a 2" susp lift and 32" Buckshots. Do you think I should go for a 2" body lift and go up another inch in diameter on the tyres? .....Cheers....Mick.
                      Last edited by MWS; 13 June 2010, 17:30.
                      " Time wounds all heels ".


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by MWS View Post
                        Sorry for leaving it so late, Si, But I was making the tea. Im currently running a 2" susp lift and 32" Buckshots. Do you think I should go for a 2" body lift and go up another inch in diameter on the tyres? .....Cheers....Mick.
                        Ye that sounds like a good idea mate.
                        If its not broke don't fix it.

