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The time has finally come

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  • The time has finally come

    For the surf to go :-(

    I will be putting ot on the for sale section with pics sometime over the weekend.

    I need it moving fairly quickly, so if it don't sell quickly then I will need some transportation from the margate area to maidstone, as it has no MOT or TAX, and is currently sorn.

    Tis a shame, but I hardly used it the last year or so, and I can't afford to run it as a "toy"

    Still working for the man!

  • #2
    i had to do this twice before
    dont sell if ya dont want to life changes
    save it till ya can aford it
    like i do

    it did nearly 3 years last time
    its been sorn over 18 months now

    never say never dude
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #3
      Yeah, I been thinking that, but it's at my mates house since I moved, and now he needs the space.
      If there is anyone on here that could transport it the 50 miles to my new house, and let me know the costs, maybe I could rethink, as it don't need much for the MOT (failed on 2 front ball joints and leaking fuel pump, and I have a spare fuel pump)
      It's been a great car, and never let me down, been across the Welsh mountains a few times with no problem.

      Still working for the man!


      • #4
        what a p155er Bob.I am going to Worcester tonight with the trailer empty but you the opposite side of the country unfortunately or i would of done it free of charge for you


        • #5
          Thanks for the thought Stormy, I did think of you RE the transport, or if you wanted the surf to break, although this would be a real shame, coz it's almost a classic now, and the running gear is good (new Stevo head and all)

          Still working for the man!


          • #6
            it will depend on how much you will want to sell the truck for really.I am collecting a truck this weekend and until i get some funds back on the other truck i got here things are a little tight at the moment


            • #7
              Not sure really, will have to take some advice on the price, although I know they ain't worth much even with MOT and stuff.
              It's just a shame to see it broken up, when there's a lot of life left in it, but I guess everything comes to and end.

              I'll leave the post up for a while to see if there's anyone local that can transport it for me, and make a decision from there.

              Still working for the man!


              • #8
                if you can get some pics up of it Bob then if the price is right and it won't need a great deal to get it running with an mot then i may be interested.It does start and run ok i take it apart from the leaky pump.


                • #9
                  Yes, starts and runs like a dream, is due for a service and a cam belt (3years old but only 6000 miles)

                  I'll post some pics over the weekend.

                  Still working for the man!


                  • #10

                    Hows it?

                    Eclipse recovery at aylesham only charged me £100 to move my non running alfa from canterbury back to ashford, literally earlier today.

                    I also listed the job on a couple of websites - www.uship.com and www.shiply.com and got a bid of £45 on uship, from a new member with no feedback and no job history, but hey if they can do it for £45. Also got bids of £85 on both from companies with good feedback. Might be worth a shot. Basically the way it works is you list what you want moving, free for a basic ad, then suppliers browse the categories they cover and make bids on any jobs they want. Seems to be quite a popular way to advertise to get vehicles moved about.

                    Might not be as expensive as you'd think to get it moved mate.

                    Take care buddy
                    =SOLD UP!=

