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Hmmmm. Interesting.

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  • Hmmmm. Interesting.

    I've read on here quite a few times about how an older model car can't have a newer model number plate. Have a read of this. A DVLA error or is it a fact?

    'This car is a 1992 model and will come on a 53 plate YES A 53 PLATE!
    How you may ask. Easy but you have to import the car yourself.
    When this car arrived I assigned my own personal plate to her straight away therefore she had no original U.K. plate, after a period of time I then put my personal plate on retention therefore the DVLA has to assign her with a replacement. As she had no original plate they then assign her with a plate relative to the year she was imported or first registered in the U.K., Not the year of manufacture hence October 2003 means 53!
    I have had my plate on & off her twice and twice came back with the same 53 plate she has now.
    I believe this is the ONLY 53 PLATE GTO IN THE COUNTRY due to an oversight at the DVLA'

    Info taken from this ad on Ebay.

    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

  • #2
    What is the benefit of it though?


    • #3
      Originally posted by Sancho View Post
      What is the benefit of it though?
      I was thinking that myself. Its pretty irrelevant what plate you put on a car, its actual age doesnt magically change, its not like you can import a 1992 vehicle, somehow get a 2010 number plate on it and then flog to some poor unsuspecting chap as a nearly new car. Or could you? Is there someone that gullible out there ?

      Сви можемо


      • #4
        What is the point of putting the age of the vehicle on it's plate?
        To create neighbour envy? therefore making you trade in every couple of years.
        I don't know any other countries that do it.
        Usual practice abroad is to show where the vehicle is from.
        Sent from the iPad you "lost"


        • #5
          Originally posted by slobodan View Post
          Usual practice abroad is to show where the vehicle is from.
          We do that too.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Sancho View Post
            We do that too.
            So people can understand.
            Sent from the iPad you "lost"


            • #7
              I imported a Skyline a couple years ago but it was automaticly assingned the year it was made plate to it.
              If at first you don't succeed.........give up.


              • #8
                what it means is some fool - the importer - filled the paperwork out wrong!

                the result, it's now elegible to emissions based road tax and your gonna end up paying £240 ish a year instead of £205
                =SOLD UP!=


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nero279 View Post
                  what it means is some fool - the importer - filled the paperwork out wrong!

                  the result, it's now elegible to emissions based road tax and your gonna end up paying £240 ish a year instead of £205

                  More like 400.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                    What is the point of putting the age of the vehicle on it's plate?
                    To create neighbour envy? therefore making you trade in every couple of years.
                    I don't know any other countries that do it.
                    Usual practice abroad is to show where the vehicle is from.
                    here in lovely rainy ireland our regs (i.e. 07-d-12345) begin with the year of manufacture then the letter correspndes to county of registration and then the numbers how slow you were to reg it.....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by slobodan View Post
                      What is the point of putting the age of the vehicle on it's plate?
                      To create neighbour envy? therefore making you trade in every couple of years.
                      I don't know any other countries that do it.
                      Usual practice abroad is to show where the vehicle is from.
                      To be honest it is for this reason that I dislike age related plates.
                      My surf doesn't carry an age plate, but it did start life nearer to Bob.
                      Gone from 4x4 to 1x2


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BigBobE View Post
                        here in lovely rainy ireland our regs (i.e. 07-d-12345) begin with the year of manufacture then the letter correspndes to county of registration and then the numbers how slow you were to reg it.....
                        Useful info IMO.
                        when you are stuck behind a muppet on Hyde Park corner, you could instantly tell he was from Norwich and get past him as soon as.
                        Sent from the iPad you "lost"

