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To Growler And Mrs Growler

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  • To Growler And Mrs Growler


    Andy and Miriam for your wonderful hospitality today, what should have only taken a few hours took all day, so thanks for the lunch, drinks, coffee, and especially the chicken chips and beans supper!!!

    Almost forgot, Thanks Andy for assisting with me with replacing my front brakes, and unfortunately the calipers!!

    Shan`t tell everyone though, or everyone will be popping round for drinks n food!!!

    Many many thanks,

    Keep On Truckin!

  • #2
    Not a Miriam Ainscough by any chance?!

    Just that Miriam is quite an unusual name...


    • #3
      Aye many a time has growler come to my aid top bloke!!


      • #4
        So Andy is a Surf off-road consultant who also has client catering facilities on-site ? Is their a set menu with dish of the day ? do you have an address ? do we have to book in advance ?
        Death rides a Black Horse


        • #5
          Originally posted by John h View Post
          So Andy is a Surf off-road consultant who also has client catering facilities on-site ? Is their a set menu with dish of the day ? do you have an address ? do we have to book in advance ?
          Its very nice grub!!
          Keep On Truckin!


          • #6
            Originally posted by yogigypsy View Post
            Andy and Miriam for your wonderful hospitality today, what should have only taken a few hours took all day, so thanks for the lunch, drinks, coffee, and especially the chicken chips and beans supper!!!
            Almost forgot, Thanks Andy for assisting with me with replacing my front brakes, and unfortunately the calipers!!
            Shan`t tell everyone though, or everyone will be popping round for drinks n food!!!
            Many many thanks,

            No worries Richard, but next time bring the missus with you Just glad we managed to get things sorted and your home in one piece. I'll put a bit more detail up later

            Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
            Not a Miriam Ainscough by any chance?!
            Just that Miriam is quite an unusual name...
            No this one, found her in a night club in Cork city

            Originally posted by John h View Post
            So Andy is a Surf off-road consultant who also has client catering facilities on-site ? Is their a set menu with dish of the day ? do you have an address ? do we have to book in advance ?
            No so sure about consulant as miracle worker after todays episode You are more than welcome to drop in if you are in the area John just try and give the chef a couple of days notice so we can see what the neighbours have left lying around.

            Originally posted by yogigypsy View Post
            Its very nice grub!!
            I have to agree on that one as I live here


            • #7
              Originally posted by hiroler View Post
              Aye many a time has growler come to my aid top bloke!!
              Getting fed up waiting now though Ross


              • #8
                I'm trying to get the missfire sorted before I bring it over but i work very slowly!!!

                You see it looks like Wales is off? You fancy giving some closer ish lanes a try one weekend when your back is up to it.


                • #9
                  When I get mine, I'd love to do Wales..a tour of all the petrol stations.
                  Non intercooled nothing.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by hiroler View Post
                    I'm trying to get the missfire sorted before I bring it over but i work very slowly!!!

                    You see it looks like Wales is off? You fancy giving some closer ish lanes a try one weekend when your back is up to it.
                    Sounds like a plan to me Ross, you thinking one truck or two ?? Don't mind giving your's a run out and I'll navigate maybe up round Buxton for a change ?

                    If two truck's I need to get a few bit's in for mine now, as some of it has beggared of to Leicester

