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war with counsel

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  • war with counsel

    i been at war again with the counsel today
    they are giveing every one a free drive
    yes free
    i paid for mine 5 years ago or so
    with all the work going on my curb edgings have been damaged
    i asked if there was any chance of replaceing em
    i was told in that '' them curbs were like that already''
    ok i thought i will leave it has is just to be nice

    i got up this morning doing what i do
    i never heard them digging up the pathways on the street
    i sitt in the conservatory (is it close spelling?) with the computre on

    i went up stairs for something i noticed the damage to the curb edges was even worse now

    i phoned the head of the team up and was given the run around
    the lads that are doing the job are ok its the gaffers that are abit full of em selfs

    i ended up parking my car over the damaged curbs are
    i then demaned that they get a gaffer out or i dont move mi car
    this stoped them tarmacing the dug out pathways

    a hour later i got a knock at the door
    this ponce asked me ''what my problem was''
    i told him i dont like that mess they made of my drive edgings

    he said and this is what thrown me over the edge
    we are not all lucky like you to get a free drive

    iam the only one who made them stay off my property on this estate
    i dont need owt done
    i told him it too
    after he was told that i will see them all in court and if they want my car moved they would have to phone the police

    the ponce walked off in a huff

    and i just been asked if i can move it so the lads can tarmac the path

    dose he think iam daft (maybe he reads mi posts on here)
    i move mi car it dont get replacement of damged goods

    he is checking to see if i have a right to have a drive
    what a wally

    tiz now getting done
    iam not after a freebie iam want them replaced coz they damged em
    i told him that too
    very politely too honest
    Last edited by JUDWAK; 18 May 2010, 16:33.
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    them lads need a cuppa
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #3
      well thats got to be the fastest result from the counsel i have ever had
      iam pleased with that
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #4
        Originally posted by JUDWAK View Post
        well thats got to be the fastest result from the counsel i have ever had
        iam pleased with that
        Ah, isn't that nice ............. I'm a sucker for 'happy endings'


        • #5
          tiz very quick i was posting a rant about em and they knocked at mi door
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #6
            Did they fix it then?
            The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


            • #7
              yes they fixed it all new looking now and they made the drop wider than it was
              wicked init
              i should not have to act like a pig headed d1ck to get some where with em tho

              if i had not shut down the job it would have been left
              iam glad i can be a d1ck head iam very good at it
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #8
                Glad it got sorted, having to be an moaning sod at the minuite myself to get faults fixed at the house....only way it seems to work (shouldnt be tho!)
                The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


                • #9
                  if all else fails
                  i think of the most exstream thing i can do to be a pain in the @rse
                  then i go and do it
                  its not always payed off but who cares
                  if them your dealing with are unreasonable idiots
                  its then and only then will i go all out
                  am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

