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  • Stickers

    While I feel that the monies I have contributed to this board is certainly fair fir the exchange of information and of course the good crack I would still like to get my stickers!
    If yer ma comes fae Buckie yi must be unlucky!

  • #2
    If it's any help a had an email reply saying that no stickers were currently available but that more would be made soon and sent out as soon as they are available...


    • #3
      I reckon that blue star on the yella background would make a great spare wheel cover- do you get them?
      If yer ma comes fae Buckie yi must be unlucky!


      • #4
        No, sorry - just quoting a reply by Nigel to my subs application from about a week or so ago.

        A blue star on a yellow background makes me think of Newcastle Brown Ale!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
          If it's any help a had an email reply saying that no stickers were currently available but that more would be made soon and sent out as soon as they are available...
          I got told the same. Come on guys, stickers don't have much of a lead time and our trucks are crying out for them.
          If yer ma comes fae Buckie yi must be unlucky!


          • #6
            Originally posted by stukaneche View Post
            I got told the same. Come on guys, stickers don't have much of a lead time and our trucks are crying out for them.
            It's also probably not the top of their priority list! Give it time. Patience is a virtue so they say...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
              It's also probably not the top of their priority list! Give it time. Patience is a virtue so they say...
              Patience is a virtue that I do not posess. I do have a few though but I don't have any STICKERS.

              P.s I knew I recognised that symbol. Wi aye mon
              If yer ma comes fae Buckie yi must be unlucky!


              • #8
                I've been patient since May last year, still no sticker , must be renew time .
                Can't believe it's been a year already, time seems to go fater and faster these days .


                • #9
                  Stickers are in the process of being made up. Sorry its been so long but the person making them, his dad was very ill and sadly passed away. So I have been reluctant to hassle him for a few weeks out of respect.
                  Hes back to it now and hopefully will have them made up in the next week, so, just sometimes there can be a lead time.

                  Just to note, I get many subs paid with not a mention of an address of where the stickers are to be sent. Then I get an email asking why haven't I got my stickers, simple where do you want me to post them to ???????????
                  Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

                  My 4x4
                  My choice
                  Back off


                  • #10
                    Well, you got my address, so don't forget ME!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by stukaneche View Post
                      I reckon that blue star on the yella background would make a great spare wheel cover- do you get them?
                      Mmmm nice idea check out my Avitar
                      Enjoying Life after Cancer

