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happy star wars day!!

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  • happy star wars day!!

    happy star wars day............

    May the 4th be with you!
    Everyone thinks I'm paranoid!!

  • #2
    Cor blimey. That took ages to turn up here today!


    • #3
      You know I loved that movie, I was 8 years old that summer it came out and I had the toys, mowed the the lawn and such just to buy another R2D2 toy etc, saved and bought the marvel annual comic of it.

      I was like all my mates then, obsessed by it.

      Then I finaly went to see it, I remember the massive queue al lthe chatter an excitment in that 2 hour queue, the keora drink the hot dog with paper based bread then sitting down watching all those adds then and the massive cheers as the lights finaly dimmed and a near standing ovation when the opening credits came up, I was 8 and was utterly blown away, bear in mind back then blakes 7 and Drwho as it was was top end special effects, ok these days things look more than real but back then it was ground breaking.

      So yeah happy Starwars day, you where great part of my childhood.

      Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.


