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###### Dvla

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  • ###### Dvla

    From 3 years of breaking surfs i had a letter through on Friday stating i never taxed and surf at the end of February.As i never had the log book i sent a copy of the tax reminder with a letter stating that the surf was scrapped on the 23/01/10.
    On the phone today to dvla and all i could get was that they never recieved notification of the surf being scrapped.
    I then went on to ask can't they check on the system that the truck was scrapped at a certain scrapyard.All i could get out of this p rick was we're going round in circles and that they never recieved the notification.
    I asked the scrapyard last wek about this and they said that dvla often buggar up and don't check the system properly and update it.
    I now have to pay a £80 fine plus just under £40 back tax.I will be appealing against this and also putting in a complaint about the prick on the phone not willing to answer the questions.I was all calm till he said for the last time we're going round in circles and goodbye.
    I always make sure that a truck that has been started to break for parts has been declarred as scrapped.
    Is it any wonder this lot make so much money out of us

  • #2
    Originally posted by stormforce View Post
    From 3 years of breaking surfs i had a letter through on Friday stating i never taxed and surf at the end of February.As i never had the log book i sent a copy of the tax reminder with a letter stating that the surf was scrapped on the 23/01/10.
    On the phone today to dvla and all i could get was that they never recieved notification of the surf being scrapped.
    I then went on to ask can't they check on the system that the truck was scrapped at a certain scrapyard.All i could get out of this p rick was we're going round in circles and that they never recieved the notification.
    I asked the scrapyard last wek about this and they said that dvla often buggar up and don't check the system properly and update it.
    I now have to pay a £80 fine plus just under £40 back tax.I will be appealing against this and also putting in a complaint about the prick on the phone not willing to answer the questions.I was all calm till he said for the last time we're going round in circles and goodbye.
    I always make sure that a truck that has been started to break for parts has been declarred as scrapped.
    Is it any wonder this lot make so much money out of us
    My "mother-in-law" (well, I'm not married yet but she doesn't like being called an "out-law" lol) is a magistrate and tends to give the advice to people to take things to court. Even if you have committed a "technical" offence (like I did with my recent fine) they will reduce it to the absolute minimum level that they can, even assuming they don't throw the whole thing out.

    Letters to the DVLA (or court) are all well and good as evidence but make sure you turn up on the day because saying something in court, sworn under oath, is always taken over and above anything written down. The DVLA don't usually send anyone that has been directly involved in the case the way you will have been so you always stand a pretty good chance of winning if it gets that far.

    Good luck with it!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
      My "mother-in-law" (well, I'm not married yet but she doesn't like being called an "out-law" lol) is a magistrate and tends to give the advice to people to take things to court. Even if you have committed a "technical" offence (like I did with my recent fine) they will reduce it to the absolute minimum level that they can, even assuming they don't throw the whole thing out.

      Letters to the DVLA (or court) are all well and good as evidence but make sure you turn up on the day because saying something in court, sworn under oath, is always taken over and above anything written down. The DVLA don't usually send anyone that has been directly involved in the case the way you will have been so you always stand a pretty good chance of winning if it gets that far.

      Good luck with it!
      Thanks mate.I will fight it as its not my fault they either haven't recieved it or they haven't updated the system correctly as the guy at the scrapyard said.I know it was logged at the scrapyard as they do it there and then while you are there.
      I was going to pay the fine etc but as i thought i made a mistake by not notifying them but then i found a copy of the letter i sent and had 2nd thoughts


      • #4
        I had the same problem with SORNing my motorbike, it was sorned and then 8 months later I get a letter saying it's wasn't taxed or SORNed so I'd be liable for a fine.

        I called them and basically told them to #### off and after going through 6 people a lady there said there was a fine on record but they hadn't sent it and didn't know why (they can't even bollock you properly!!). After going through all the details again she said she'd organise the paperwork for the SORN (which turned up a week later and I've just had the official SORN through again so it's all sorted) and the fine didn't ever arrive so it must have never been actioned.

        I weas lucky so keep trying to hassle them mate, it's their fault, there's no reason why you should pay for their mistake!


        I've got a plan and it's as hot as my pants!


        • #5
          The DVLA are not one of my favourites. A while back I had a transit van that needed MOT record only I'd lost it and couldn't get my van taxed so instead of being helpful they insisted I would have to take it to some way off MOT station to have it done at some exorbitant cost by delayed appointment by which time the van was being driven illegally because the licence had run out and they picked on me and I was penalised! What actually upset me the most was the stupid imbecile at the other end of the phone who kept insisting my act was a criminal act and therefore I had to be treated as one .... makes you wonder what drives them to be so ###### minded!

          GL with the appeal and try to shrug your shoulders and not get too stressed


          • #6
            Rich, how did they find you if you never had the log book, so it couldn't have been registered to you?
            What have I told you about thinking Erroll


            • #7
              Originally posted by meooo View Post
              Rich, how did they find you if you never had the log book, so it couldn't have been registered to you?
              when the truck was bought the seller filled in the log book and sent it off but i never got the new log book so god knows what the hell is going on


              • #8
                You may be interested in this article from today's Register


                which highlights 2 judgements made aginst the DVLA in exactly the same circumstances

                It might help to send this shot across their bows.
                (egypt smiley 'cause it's almost a wiggy judge)
                klicken bis das blut kommt


                • #9
                  Thanks very much MP that is very useful and i may well ring them back and state these facts about the previous court cases.
                  If i had made a mistake i would hold my hands up to it but seeing as i am in the right there is no way that i am going to pay.Thanks mate


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by stormforce View Post
                    Thanks very much MP that is very useful and i may well ring them back and state these facts about the previous court cases.
                    If i had made a mistake i would hold my hands up to it but seeing as i am in the right there is no way that i am going to pay.Thanks mate
                    Read the comments attached to the article and you will see that this looks like a common DVLArse-up.

                    Go get 'em
                    klicken bis das blut kommt


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by moonpig View Post
                      Read the comments attached to the article and you will see that this looks like a common DVLArse-up.

                      Go get 'em
                      This is what the guy at the scrapyard said that it is a common thing with the dvla.They don't want to know what anyone else has said so i will ring them again tomorrow and see what they have to say about it and tell them i am willing to let it go to court.


                      • #12
                        Just going through the same sort of thing with the dvla with a bike of mine, its been declared sorn for the last 3 years without fail, its even on a reminder on my phone and computer. Last october i declared online for the first time and got a fine through the post in february which i refused to pay so they then doubled it come april, needless to say its still ongoing with them with weekly phonecalls/emails.
                        My brakes dont work, so i made the horn louder.


                        • #13
                          I had a DVLA cock up too, I sold my Chrysler 300c last April and about 2 month later I got a £80 fine letter for a registration I had never owned I rang and they claimed I was down as the previous owner and the fine was because I didn't tell them I had sold it on, so I said OK will see you in court, the lad claimed he couldn't give me any more information as it was data protected (but we are talking about MY data apparently...) but asked if I had sold a car with a different registration the previous April, I obviously said yes and he said did the new owner put a private plate on it immediately, so I said how the F00k should I know....he told me to just send back the letter stating that it was not me car and he would put a note on the system. I said ok see you in court and never sent it.
                          I rang the guy I had sold it too and it was his private reg. incredibly they had already sent an acknowledgement with my correct reg to me!
                          I then got a letter saying they were prepared to take no further action in this case but I was reminded of my obligation to correctly inform them next time I sold a car!!!!! cheeky c^£t$ never even bothered to reply to my follow up complaint!
                          Nissan Patrol for on-road, and a Land-Rover 110 shed for off-road :-)

