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Karcher HDS 745

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  • Karcher HDS 745

    any one know owt about em
    i have taken mine to bits iam cleaning the coil out and injector
    its full of soot and oily residue from the red diesel no dowt

    what i want to know is how do i know if the coil is no good

    it smokes like a steel mill chimney
    and i was told it could be the coil?

    but i can not see how that would afect it burning diesel?

    is it a case of some one feeding me bull sh1t saying coils are 500 quid?

    any one know owt about Karcher HDS 745

    i realy need to fix this jet washer
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    Presumably thats your dog in the background. Got any pictures?

    Sorry - know nothing about the pressure washer...


    • #3

      i only have this one to hand
      sadly he died last mounth
      17 years old tho i dognapped him from a bad home
      spike had me in court a few times too for biting but it was all on my own property good guard dog
      strange thing was he would not hurt anything that was a baby
      from kids to ducks anything young
      ladrabor rigeback cross
      anyhow thanks for asking
      am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


      • #4
        any how i know nowt about jetwashers my self
        but i got my mates to pick it up and pop it on a wall so i could work on it
        theres nothing to them honest
        i think i have all worked out just need daylight and iam on it

        so if any one needs any help with a jetwasher i can now help
        i iz a quick learner
        Last edited by JUDWAK; 4 May 2010, 00:01.
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          You "dognapped" him!! well done George, good on ya, cant stand bad pet owners, i'd have done the same, i catnapped the persian cat next door years ago, those c##ts never looked after it, passed it on to a good home,
          Too young to die and too old to give a toss


          • #6
            i stole my sencond cat from a friend of mine should have looked after him
            iam glad theres otheres out there
            that do this
            its save there lives ya know
            am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

