i want non of you lot to suffer in the way iam suffering now
eat well dont live on crap eat healthy not cream cakes like i did
dont eat white bread it acts like glue in your insides
dont live on take aways they kill you slowly
cook good home food like i have too
if you like the take aways make them your self
iam saying this coz not alot of people know fully what they do to them selfs every day
iam paying the price at 35 years old
i dont want no one to go through this its horrid
only way to discripe the pain is its like
ya know the belly pain ya get
when you been kicked in the nuts realy hard
its like that but with stabbing pains and cramps
ya dont want that
please hear me out this is not a rant its a warning to you all
i only had a beef sandwitch on white bread
the doctors keep telling me
no more beef
no more white bread
no more anything
but its nice init so i gave in and yeasterday i had 1 beef salad sandwitch
now and all last night i have been at deaths door
i just dont want every one else to go about in there lives has if could not happen to them
coz if you live on beer chips take aways boxed food and freezer snap
your going to end up like me
maybe tomorrow or next year in ten years it will happen tho
what sort of person would i be if i did not tell you how i nearly killed myself with my life style
but sat back and watch others doing the same
i have to say something to warn you of your ways
if you take that warning is up to you
iam fairly head stronge person
but some arnt
this warning you should take coz its only you that can stop this happaning to you
its not nice so give it some thought
i'll wait to be flamed by some
eat well dont live on crap eat healthy not cream cakes like i did
dont eat white bread it acts like glue in your insides
dont live on take aways they kill you slowly
cook good home food like i have too
if you like the take aways make them your self
iam saying this coz not alot of people know fully what they do to them selfs every day
iam paying the price at 35 years old
i dont want no one to go through this its horrid
only way to discripe the pain is its like
ya know the belly pain ya get
when you been kicked in the nuts realy hard
its like that but with stabbing pains and cramps
ya dont want that
please hear me out this is not a rant its a warning to you all
i only had a beef sandwitch on white bread
the doctors keep telling me
no more beef
no more white bread
no more anything
but its nice init so i gave in and yeasterday i had 1 beef salad sandwitch
now and all last night i have been at deaths door
i just dont want every one else to go about in there lives has if could not happen to them
coz if you live on beer chips take aways boxed food and freezer snap
your going to end up like me
maybe tomorrow or next year in ten years it will happen tho
what sort of person would i be if i did not tell you how i nearly killed myself with my life style
but sat back and watch others doing the same
i have to say something to warn you of your ways
if you take that warning is up to you
iam fairly head stronge person
but some arnt
this warning you should take coz its only you that can stop this happaning to you
its not nice so give it some thought
i'll wait to be flamed by some