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  • #16
    Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
    Can't imagine many jews, catholics, etc, trying to create a muslim state anywhere!

    Come to think of it, I've never seen any significant muslims trying to do the same either. Sure, you get the odd random nutter trying to convert a country to one thing or another (Oswald Mosely, George Monbiot, Jonathon Porrit, Tipper Gore, scientologists, Nick Griffin, Michael Foot, Bruce Kent, plenty of useful idiots over the years) and whilst some of them are dangerous the paranoia around islamic fundamentalism in the UK really does wind me up. People will get used to it in time and once integrated into everyday UK life like many other religions and philosophies they will go as unnoticed as the rest.

    The problem (in my opinion at least) is the obsession with identifying different "communities" whether it be the gay community, black community, Worcester woman, Mondeo man or whatever rather than just living with the fact that people are individuals and we ALL make up the community as a whole!
    A community is a great thing untill part of that community want to segregate themselves and starts a conflict. My original post was not meant to offend or start anything on here , it was just that i read this article on a web site earlier today and thought it a true account of my own feelings that i thought i would share , something i would not be allowed to do in certain parts of the globe. I did not realise it was stemmed from an older piece , and besides ,i paid my forum fees yesterday so i feel the need to join in a bit more , maybe i should just stick to reading and enjoying the banter of other peoples posts.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Slugger View Post
      A community is a great thing untill part of that community want to segregate themselves and starts a conflict. My original post was not meant to offend or start anything on here , it was just that i read this article on a web site earlier today and thought it a true account of my own feelings that i thought i would share , something i would not be allowed to do in certain parts of the globe. I did not realise it was stemmed from an older piece , and besides ,i paid my forum fees yesterday so i feel the need to join in a bit more , maybe i should just stick to reading and enjoying the banter of other peoples posts.
      Don't segregate yourself off from the rest of the Surf community!
      I'm always interested to hear peoples views.

      "I have never in my life learned anything from someone who agreed with me"
      Dudley Field Malone (June 3, 1882 – October 5, 1950)


      • #18
        Originally posted by Rustinho View Post
        Don't segregate yourself off from the rest of the Surf community!
        I'm always interested to hear peoples views.

        "I have never in my life learned anything from someone who agreed with me"
        Dudley Field Malone (June 3, 1882 – October 5, 1950)
        Me too.

        I am also just concerned about all the parnoia surrounding muslims.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Sancho View Post
          Me too.

          I am also just concerned about all the parnoia surrounding muslims.
          well said
          am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


          • #20
            Originally posted by Sancho View Post
            My tuppence is that I live in an area with a very high orthodox Jewish population, who live by Jewish law, and it makes not the slightest bit of difference to my life.
            Ahhhh, Volvo land.
            Sent from the iPad you "lost"

