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  • funerals

    i have just come back from a funeral
    to lay to rest a dear freind of mine
    a true scott with a proper celt send off
    god bless her
    and while in the funeral possession we started to get cut up by traffic

    it should be in the highway code to give funeral possession's right of way
    every car in the funeral possession should fly a black flag or something
    to let all the other road users know its a funeral possession
    and give right of way

    i thank the 2 asians that stoped traffic

    its time this was law
    Last edited by JUDWAK; 29 April 2010, 18:10.
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

  • #2
    It almost doesn't surprise me given the lack of respect people seem to have for so many things these days. People are in such a false hurry most of the time. A couple of minutes here or there won't make that much difference to their journey times...


    • #3
      we had the same thing 5 years ago while following the hurst carrying father in law.about 1/4m before the crematorium the prick overtook us and pushed in between us and the hurst.
      People like that really p155 me right off and hope someone does it to them when they are in a funeral possession following a loved one and see how they like it


      • #4
        i personaly always stop for a funeral possession
        it should be law
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          back in 1995 when i took my driving test i even stopped for a funeral to pass before pulling out its just being respectful at the end of the day and it don't hurt to wait a few mins


          • #6
            I have been to a few funerals for biker mates. At the last one we knew there would be a quite a few bikes following so we inform the police and they said we could do our own outriding. I got about six of us to ride in front, overlapping each other, stopping traffic at junctions and even through lights. It only takes a matter of seconds for us all to get past and we didn't have any bother because we were able to control the traffic. Most drivers didn't mind what we were doing.


            • #7
              Originally posted by stormforce View Post
              we had the same thing 5 years ago while following the hurst
              Geoff still doing them?
              Sent from the iPad you "lost"


              • #8
                Quite aggree, it's showing respect which not many f##kers seem to do these days,
                Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                • #9
                  In the States:
                  Im not sure if its law, but
                  all the procession cars get a window sticker or a magnetic flag to put on their cars.
                  If the hearse gets through a traffic light whilst its green, then all the other cars get to go through. Usually the funeral directors have accompaning cars that facilitate this, to ward off motorists coming from the other direction. As the last car gets past the light, they then zoom past the procession to the front and do it again.
                  I was once in a procession that was well over 100 cars, they had multiple teams doing this.
                  Everyone respects this and lets you get on with it
                  私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


                  • #10
                    I've always deffered any right of way to a funeral procession period.

                    It's just plain common respect ffs, I do remember once that I was at a junction head low as a proccession went past, and some johnny sperm had to try and nudge through from behind me, I dropped the window and threw an empty can of pop at his windscreen, he stopped dead, glared at me, I glared back and he then looked shameful.

                    Bala Mud, best underseal there is, only £30 per application.



                    • #11
                      I've stopped traffic for a funeral procession before, just pulled across the lanes of traffic and let them take their time, I think it's only right.

                      I turn down my music too, I like my rock and metal but that's not to say that they will too, again, it's just polite.


                      I've got a plan and it's as hot as my pants!


                      • #12
                        same thing happened with tourists at my dads funeral not very happy esp when they cut in past the piper....west coast ideals................maybe wrong but a lot to be said ford old fashioned ideals......one and onky chance to do things right
                        The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


                        • #13
                          Just like to put a different perspective on this. Im not as young as most on this forum, and it was a part of my upbringing that you would let these funeral processions pass, and kind of give them rights of way. I can remember men who wore hats would take them off as the procession passed. I still to this day treat these processions with what is called "respect" and act pretty much like you do. But having given it some thought, what is the issue if someone overtakes, or pulls out at a junction and breaks up that procession, whats the big deal ? What constitues the procession ? Every car on its way to the cemetry or just the hearse and the limo,s. If its every car, how the heck does anyone know where the procession ends, especially with all the cars on todays roads? It was easy years ago when only the rich had cars, but not so easy nowadays. Some funeral processions as we seem to want to call them can involve fair old journeys too. So what if during that journey somebody does a wee bit of overtaking or pulling out and ends up in the middle of it, wheres the disrespect in that. Im suggesting that we are all to ready to see offence and disrespect where none exists or is intended. A bit more respect for each other while we are still alive would go a lot further than some "false" show of respect for a dead person you likely never knew. The roads are full of traffic nowadays. Everybody is going somewhere, so what if all the so called "mourners" dont arrive in a convoy. It really doesnt matter. The funeral will still take place, the dead person will remain dead, and the true mourners, the close family who are actually grieving, will not even notice, and their grief will still run its natural course. Trust me on this, someone who is burying a loved one, will probably not notice, and will certainly not give a hoot, if they are overtaken on the way to the cemetry or crematorium or whatever. They tend to have so much else on their minds
                          Its a non issue.

                          Last edited by Bogus; 30 April 2010, 01:44.
                          Сви можемо


                          • #14
                            Some good points Alex (as always) i am i think even older than you and i remember blokes removeing their hats and people standing still as a procession passed but as you say the procession was easy to spot, it was all the big black cars, now it can be a line of any cars, so if i find myself comeing up on a line of cars and see a hearse up ahead i slow and keep in the line (as i would in any normal traffic) i'm never in such a hurry that a few minuits added to my journey time wont make any difference, if i ever was in a rush i would overtake ONLY when it was safe to overtake the whole line and not haveing to cut in, dual carrageway overtakeing is fine, pulling out into traffic i do the same, wait till there's a decent space or i'm flashed out, not "barge in" the whole thing is common sense and common decency, as you say the people grieveing couldn't give a f##k whats happening outside (i cant even remember the ride to the crematorium for my mum,)

                            we should have the old "New Orleans" jass band type funerals here, everyone walking (or danceing along) show band playing, that'd screw up the traffic
                            Too young to die and too old to give a toss


                            • #15
                              well iam 34
                              when i was a kid we always show respect
                              i live 2 roads away from the crematorium
                              i lived on the same road has the crematorium has a kid
                              and not once did we not show repsect
                              iam not talking of going miles here
                              i talking going 2 roads
                              so call respect
                              so called ? so called?
                              in facted fuk it

                              sorry iam having a very bad morning
                              Last edited by JUDWAK; 30 April 2010, 11:50.
                              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate

