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  • Sorted at last!!!

    It's taken a while but I got there in the end. I trailed the threads on these boards, asked a few questions, but there didn't seem to be any definitive answer. But many solutions. I'm referring to the speedo problems I was having.

    Without this forum I, myself wouldn't of been able to solve my dilemma. So, big thank you for those that helped & also to those that helped other members who had similar problems where I was able to get good information.

    First diagnosis seem to lead to the speed sensor. The diagnostic system was returning a 'code 42'.
    The price of a new sensor is £189, so I acquired one of ebay for alot less. Put that in & found that didn't cure the problem. Checked behind the clocks & found no burning.

    After going through the threads again, my haunch was that the problem lay between the speed sensor & the speedo clocks. I ruled out the speed sensor, even though the one I got could've been a dud & I had no way of testing for sure.
    That left me with broken wire/s or the speed delimter or the clocks themselves.
    I went with replacing the speed delimter which sit behind the speedo clocks. I bought this one again of ebay.http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.d...STRK:MEWAX:VRI Though the rewiring wasn't straight forward & left with one extra wire hanging about, I managed to put it all back together & so far, a week later, no adverse reaction & everything is as it should be.

    The information on these boards is invaluable to mere mortals like me & I tip my hat to you guys.............. thanks very much.