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a big thanks to wattr1

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  • a big thanks to wattr1

    a big thanks to wattyr1 from ayrshire for all the hard work he put in to my surf over this last week that's my surf back on the road n moted to day all i have to do is get my hands on a set komko kl71 in 33x12.5x15 i have phoned all the foke that do them in the uk and they all say the same thing there on back order so i will miss the forest drive at minard argyle on the weekend of the sat 1/5/10 sun 2/5/10 what a bumer a this is the muts nuts
    S S R G is the only way to surf

    scottish mud club member kerelawsurf

  • #2
    Glad ya got ya Truck sorted Jeff .... may we see ya at the Clog in May then ?


    "Cos short cuts cost more in the long run"
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      waqs hoping to go to the west argyle forist drive jub i cant get my hands on komko kl71s the best that all the tyres mobs i have in tuch with and that is allmost all of them is the 29 of this month and i bet that they dont get them in them in then bas n turds if you know what i nean
      S S R G is the only way to surf

      scottish mud club member kerelawsurf

