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speedo time

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  • speedo time

    Hi all ,Its time to change my speedo to mph,should have done it weeks ago but keep driving truck cos its more fun than working on it .anyway milner offroad will do me a replacement face is this the easyest option. and how do i know if my speedo is digital or mechanical .all the digits stay in view when ignition is off so is that mechanical.This is my first truck with aircon how did i manage!!

  • #2
    Not absolutely sure if i`ve got this the right way round. I think if the needle rests on a pin at zero it is electrical. If there is no pin, it`s mechanical. Do a search on it, i`m sure it was somewhere on this site i saw a thread.

    God bless gaffer tape and mastic!


    • #3
      With mechanical speedo's theres a cable that goes into the rear section of your gearbox, its held in place by a large knurled nut about 1" across, its easy to spot as the cable is black and about 10mm across.
      ...Woodie http://woodie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/D...%20Surfsml.JPG


      • #4
        Yes, but is the spacing of the numbers on the fascia completely different or is the lack of 0 pin hole the only difference between the two?


        • #5
          I got mine from Far East Services, I would have a word with them they're really helpful.

          Never argue with an idiot... they drag you down to their level - then beat you with experience!!

