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  • Rustinho,

    Hiya mate.Bushwhacker will have the towbar at his place when your ready as i haven't had chance to take it off the truck.I will have to send you a tow ball tho as there isn't one on the bar.We'll sort the payment out when your ready for it.

  • #2
    Originally posted by stormforce View Post
    Hiya mate.Bushwhacker will have the towbar at his place when your ready as i haven't had chance to take it off the truck.I will have to send you a tow ball tho as there isn't one on the bar.We'll sort the payment out when your ready for it.
    Cheers Rich. Much appreciated. I've been told the money should be with me in 7-10 working days if it helps to give you a time frame. I'll paypal it to you as soon as I've got it.




    • #3
      Thats ok no rush.The truck the bar is on i am taking up to south wales this weekend as its gwh's truck that is being v8'd.You can send the payment to me and then i'll send postage payment to Vince then.I will get a ball for it unless you want to get one yourself and knock £10 off of the price of the bar.


      • #4
        Originally posted by stormforce View Post
        Thats ok no rush.The truck the bar is on i am taking up to south wales this weekend as its gwh's truck that is being v8'd.You can send the payment to me and then i'll send postage payment to Vince then.I will get a ball for it unless you want to get one yourself and knock £10 off of the price of the bar.
        Sounds good to me. I'm pretty certain that I've seen a spare towball somewhere in my dad's garage that he wouldn't mind me borrowing...

