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Bit dusty today?

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  • Bit dusty today?

    Just read about the volcanic dust is it as bad as they are making out on the news?

    The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming

  • #2
    I can't see it here, but should be a nice sunset this evening though.


    • #3
      All flights out of Scotland grounded for the day.


      • #4
        Cough cough...can't see ke@board or screen....

        its clear here...

        Back in the day Baby


        • #5
          The last major Icelandic eruption to hit Europe was Laki in 1783/84. While being more sulphur dioxide based (read sulphuric acid once changed at altitude) it still produce considerable dust/smog. It covered most of northern Europe from Bergen to the Pyrenees and extended into Northern Africa......so a reasonable way. Plus it lasted 4-8 months killing 23,000 people in the UK, the equivalent to 100,000 today!
          it's in me shed, mate.


          • #6
            Haha if it gets here thats my get out of work card
            Sounds as if is quite dense high up so you guys should get some good pics of a sunset as bushwacker said (maybe a pic of the month opportunity?), but of a bugger for travelling tho as a friend of mine and his missus are off to Mexico today (flights to uk first then out) and are stuck at Rome and the euro star is booked out as are most trains out of here because of folk trying to get to the UK via land to catch connecting flights for holiday transfers.
            Think its only supposed to last till maybe tommorow tho?
            The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


            • #7
              The last major Icelandic eruption to hit Europe was Laki in 1783/84. While being more sulphur dioxide based (read sulphuric acid once changed at altitude) it still produce considerable dust/smog. It covered most of northern Europe from Bergen to the Pyrenees and extended into Northern Africa......so a reasonable way. Plus it lasted 4-8 months killing 23,000 people in the UK, the equivalent to 100,000 today!

              Hell thats pretty bad and it sounds as if its gearing up again by the sounds of things i.e getting more frequent in the past few months and guess the melting ice swelling the rivers too probably isnt helping....dont think i would go there for a holiday at the moment
              The sh$t gets deeper ...but still swimming


              • #8
                So, we'll be all "dusted" in tomorrow morning then?

                Been reading about this all day, looking at satelite images etc. Some links:




                Quiet over here - no planes landing at London city airport (or any airport)
                Oh Nana, what's my name?


                • #9
                  It's almost strange looking up at the sky and not seeing any vapour trails from airliners. It's not far from here to Manchester airport and you can usually see plenty of them.


                  • #10
                    There must have been a volcanic eruption in my flat...###### dust everywhere.
                    Non intercooled nothing.


                    • #11
                      It's all a conspiracy!
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?


                      • #12
                        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


                        • #13
                          Who would have thought that little food shop can cause all this trouble?
                          Oh Nana, what's my name?


                          • #14
                            Off on an all afternoon sesh tomorrow - hope I dont get dust in my pint(s)!
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • #15
                              I think this cloud might stay a while, I cant get to work because of it!! but my girlfriend is in sweden and supposed to be coming home on sunday.... dont think I'll be seeing her for a while either!! again nah its pretty pants really!!

