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Fuel consumption up!!!

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  • Fuel consumption up!!!

    Just wondering if anyone could shed any light on this as my brain's gone dead!! I took my truck off the road around November time last year as the head had gone. I replaced this after Xmas and not only did she start first time, she runs as sweet as a nut, and no smoke cos all the EGR gear has gone. I cannot find any leaks or anything untoward, but it seems like my fuel consumption has gone through the roof!!

    Now maybe it's cos I have been using the truck for everything as I am just glad to have it back on the road, and maybe the jump in fuel price means I am getting less fuel for the same amount of money, but having had this truck for five years, I reckon I now what I should be expecting from the fuel!

    Can anyone think of anything I may have missed which could affect this?

    Cheers, Nick
    "The force will be with you, always!"

  • #2
    only other thing that could make fuel be used more is drag
    if theres nowt up with leeks and so on it must be drag
    owt ya can think of that may make a lot of drag
    am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


    • #3
      you changed wheels or tyres? When I put bigger A/T tyres on I lost quite a bit of mpg.



      • #4
        Originally posted by Spoggle View Post
        you changed wheels or tyres? When I put bigger A/T tyres on I lost quite a bit of mpg.

        No, nothing like that, and all pressures fine,

        Cheers, Nick
        "The force will be with you, always!"


        • #5
          What exactly are you getting to the gallon...

          Back in the day Baby


          • #6
            Originally posted by Vultch View Post
            What exactly are you getting to the gallon...
            TBH I have not yet worked it out, but the speedo goes up and the fuel gauge comes down as quickly!! Like I say I have had the truck for a long time so I am used to how the fuel goes, and it's going quickly!! Also as I said previously, it may just be because you now get less fuel for your money now and it's just in my head - not much else in there

            Cheers, Nick
            "The force will be with you, always!"


            • #7
              Diesel has gone up 10p per litre since November 2009.



              • #8
                I had bad consumption issues a while ago..

                A rusted prop shaft joint, a hole in exhaust and a new air filter really did make a difference...

                Tyre pressures make a big difference, my tyres all leak, it a once a week job to top them up.

                Also I recently fitted a snorkel, I'd swear she is quicker now, I took her for a burn on the motorway and she hit 80 really quickly, normally she would crawl to that.. maybe its a ram air effect as the snorkel faces forward or it could be my imagination...

                Dont feel too bad about the Surf I was speaking to a guy last night about his fuel consumption, his wifes Vauxhall people carrier thingy... was doing about 23 mpg...
                Last edited by Vultch; 14 April 2010, 12:50.

                Back in the day Baby


                • #9
                  I thinks it's down to the fact that the price of fuel has gone up and I have been flying around too much since the trucks been back on the road

                  Cheers, Nick
                  "The force will be with you, always!"


                  • #10
                    people keep saying to me 'when i got my truck £40 would do x miles, now it only does y miles......'

                    errr, yeah, it would!! Theres nothing wrong with the truck, just the government!!

                    Log your Liters per mile, not £'s per mile!

                    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by TonyN View Post
                      Theres nothing wrong with the truck, just the government!!
                      Too true Tony, too true!!

                      Cheers, Nick
                      "The force will be with you, always!"


                      • #12
                        £30 gets me to half full on the guage, last summer it was 3/4 for the same cash, this always at asda, we are ripped off big time over here by both the oil companies and the greedy ba*tards who run the show. H


                        • #13
                          Over the years seen loads of threads and info on making the old trucks go faster and how to boost power.But any of the tech guys got any ideas on how to improve mpg, other than by putting a drawing pin in your right sock?


