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the love of the surf.....

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  • the love of the surf.....

    seen a couple of posts abt this so i thought id start a fresh thread rhen everyone can comment all in one place....

    I have owned many vehicles in the past and have done 99% of the work on them myself as i used to be mechanic before becoming a bus driver. When ever i had to do any work on them, no matter how small the job was, it would always seem like a mamouth task and i never truely could be bothered to do it, but it is totally the oposite with my surf. I have had my truck for less than 2 weeeks and i have installed all my ICE, and completley undersealed the chasis, both jobs i truely enjoyed doing, my heart was in it all the way, and i cant explain why i enjoy tinkering with my truck so much!!

    I know a few members have said pretty much the same as what i have said, but lets get everyones opinion on this.

    The love of working and tinkering on our trucks!!
    Keep On Truckin!

  • #2
    Totally agree there, but I'm certainly no mechanic, for me it's a learning curve all the way.


    • #3
      i used to be a mechanic, but i fell out with it, not worked in a garage for over 6 years, i remeber all the basics, but some of the more technical stuff i have dificulty with, i never worked on any 4x4 before in my life. Working on my truck is definatly one big learning curve, and i am right at the bottom of it!!
      Keep On Truckin!


      • #4
        Its been a joy so far, only done little jobs so far nothing big and head sctratchy needed just yet. Best one to date is the rear window heater and making it go down and all the way up again I love not having to jack it up to get underneath also. I just wish I had money to throw at it and more time/clement weather to tinker, Id rather not go on holiday and get a lift, some fat tyres and swish rims .


        • #5
          im the same only had mine couple of weeks but love the thing to bits even tho the brakes are shot and rear windows fubar cant wait tho for some good weather to really go to town on it and get my hands dirty dont even look at the beemer anymore lol
          [B][U]ALMIGHTY CHUBBY[/U][/B]

