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Any good?

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  • Any good?

    Hi folks.
    Having sold my Gen 2 a few months ago to a chap in France, it has come to a point where i really miss my old truck and am seriously tempted to get another one.
    I have seen a Gen 3 for sale with 2.7 petrol engine and Auto 'box. My last truck was a 3.0 TD, and i was wondering how the 2.7 petrol fairs against this?
    Are there any well know faults with the 2.7, things to be wary off, or things to look out for and avoid? I am cautious of getting an import after i was stung many years ago after buying an MX-5 with very dubious history, which resulted in me loosing the car. Obviously most vehicles on this site are imports, apart from the odd 4Runner, so what should i be looking out for?
    Last edited by monsterz4; 1 April 2010, 09:04.

  • #2
    the surf bug was you and wont lit go see the doc and he will confirm it go get one you know that you want one
    S S R G is the only way to surf

    scottish mud club member kerelawsurf


    • #3
      I think this one has done the rounds a couple of times! What are these petrol engines like anyone?

      Cheers, Nick
      "The force will be with you, always!"


      • #4
        Does anyone know the truck at all? Has it cropped up on here at all? I do fancy another truck, and would like one with the lifted kit etc already done, rather than have to shell out on doing it myself.



        • #5
          This one has been on ebay before, but if I remember correctly was not competitively priced ( way too dear ). Thats probably why its back on again. It probably never sold last time

          Theres a couple of members with 2.7 surfs and as far as I know no troubles to report with this engine.

          Сви можемо


          • #6
            I've serviced a couple, seems a very nice motor, with plenty of guts.

            Personally I'd rather have the Supercharged 3.4 V6....

            4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


            • #7
              ive had my eye on this one, but im after a td and not petrol, from what i can see it looks alrite to me.

              if you want it mate then go for it.
              Keep On Truckin!

