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I'm not in Love....

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  • I'm not in Love....

    My wife has just returned from a week trundling round Northumberland in our 'Aunt Sally' ... 3.0 2nd gen dark green beast!

    It has been serviced. It got 2 new batteries. It has a nice fresh MOT face on view. It's had it's timing belt replaced. You name it, it's been checked. I power washed it and gave it a nice waxing..

    So off goes 'the beast' .... reliably transports there and back. (It did return with a slight noise on the power steering and a little leak, but that to be dealt with in another thread). Aunt Sally returns covered in filth so I washes it and polishes it and fills it up with diesel. Does the calculations ........... 480miles .... 54.45litres Hmmm, that means OMG ... 40mpg!!! Balls, damn it and blast! There I was thinking it managing 25mpg while driving through the snow and slush, instead it must have been 15mpg, and no way is a 3.0l turbo going to return 40mpg on a nice meander!

    Sob sob, no more being smug. I can only presume the mpg is kpg ... .Today we going out for a drive. She in mpg Mitsubishi and me in the kpg Beast. Today we will prove once and for all the accuracy. Ok, I hear you say, you know already that it's kpg but, and I like 'buts' .... whereas I thought the beast had done 172646 miles it has in fact only done about 108,000 miles - ---

    anyone want to buy a nice dark green low mileage SURF ?

    Actually, before you make an offer, wifey has fallen in love with Aunt Sally and I doubt you got enough money ...

  • #2
    Speedo in MPH mate, odometer reads kilometers.

    40 kilometers per gallon = 25 miles per gallon, round about the mark for a 3.0 ltr.
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


    • #3
      The speedos are easy to work out, if it goes up to 100mph, then its just a new face and odo will be in Km's still

      If the speedo goes up to 160, then the original speedo face, and it has the converter chip fitted, and odo will be in miles.

      4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


      • #4
        I dint need to do it really, but have been out and about and have now proved that odometer is registering kilometres ..... so am running at 25mpg which I can live with. Wife is fast adjusting to 4x4 driving. I have just been taught that the correct way to wave at another driver is to keep both hands on wheel and to lift middle finger and give it a wiggle!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Pelicanbill View Post
          I have just been taught that the correct way to wave at another driver is to keep both hands on wheel and to lift middle finger and give it a wiggle!
          and I thought it was one and on the wheel one wrist on the wheel rocking it from side to side ( oh no thats just to BMW drivers)


          • #6
            Originally posted by TonyN View Post
            The speedos are easy to work out, if it goes up to 100mph, then its just a new face and odo will be in Km's still

            If the speedo goes up to 160, then the original speedo face, and it has the converter chip fitted, and odo will be in miles.

            Wow!!!...i didn't know this and assumed my surf was reading miles...176290 of them. So my speedo goes upto 100mph, so does that mean my surfs "only" done 109000 miles???


            • #7
              Originally posted by Peter09 View Post
              Wow!!!...i didn't know this and assumed my surf was reading miles...176290 of them. So my speedo goes upto 100mph, so does that mean my surfs "only" done 109000 miles???
              Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's

