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droopy ones or perky ones please vote....

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  • droopy ones or perky ones please vote....


    I have read quite a bit on here regarding rear springs and whilst reading some of the posts I was shocked (no pun intended) that about the 21" mark was the norm I measured mine this evening and I got 17.5" from the centre on the wheel to the arch.
    This was before i took most of my gear out for the night, but it dosen't rise a great deal higher with it all removed

    now I know it has been said that the roughtrax 2" lift springs arn't very good for carrying exesive wheight but apparently they are better than they used to be acording to roughtrax, and the millners would be the better option allthough with the extra weight I was thinking a 2" lift would be better as would sit higher when fully loaded
    So is it to be roughtrax 2" or should I go for the LC springs bearing in mind I dont carry a boot full all the time and dont want the truck to look odd ( well any more odd than it does with its arse on the floor.......

    I asume if I use the LC springs I would need to change my shockers and brake lines

  • #2
    I'd suggest Milners springs (Standard + 20%) no mods, ya can just wind up the torsion bar should ya need too ....
    Good Luck

    "Cos short cuts cost more in the long run"
    Buncefield Burner


    • #3
      There must be 30 plus threads on here about all the various suspension set ups mate. Pour a coffee and get cozy with the search button. You will kill an hour or so reading.


      • #4

        Originally posted by yoshie View Post
        There must be 30 plus threads on here about all the various suspension set ups mate. Pour a coffee and get cozy with the search button. You will kill an hour or so reading.
        I have just fitted a set of the rough trax springs on my 4runner and they certainly are a good quality spring as im shure the milners ones would be too!
        Made quite a difference in comparison to the ones taken off! The rough trax springs are of different lenths,the right hand spring being slightly longer to compensate for the driver and the fuel tank, as far as i am aware and do correct me if iam wrong. The milners springs do not have this off-set,hence the rough trax choice.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by red barron; 20 March 2010, 09:53.


        • #5
          Had the Milners 20% stronger springs on for almost 2 years now and don't have any problem with them.

          Made a hell of a difference and certainly cured the old SAS!
          'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


          • #6
            Goodness...don't know if mine are saggy or not !!!!!....lol


            • #7
              Originally posted by shirley53 View Post
              Goodness...don't know if mine are saggy or not !!!!!....lol
              If you bring them round here i'll have a look! i should then be able to point you in the right direction
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                I suppose they are not saggy, when i consider their age!


                • #9
                  diezel weazel (jess) advised me to go for the milner +20% best part of two years ago and they are as good now as they were new .and i use mine for work and always have tools / stuff in the back and its great off road even with out a lift .all the best mate

