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  • Vibration

    I need some advice. Last night i gave a friend a lift home and my truck was fine. However as soon as i had dropped him off my truck started to vibrate intensly. this was from about 2 gear at rather a low speed around 20mph. Now i thought it could have been the dual mass flywheel braking down. but the engine runs freely all the way up to 4500rpm without any vibration. So i thought it must be on the drivetrain perhaps.

    Any suggestions or advice would be really appreciated. cheers

    p.s. i have checked and regreased all the cv on the prop shaft and they do get greased regularly. the front prop doesnt seem to be free anymore though.

    Completely bitten by the off road bug, and what better vehicle to do it in!

  • #2
    Completely bitten by the off road bug, and what better vehicle to do it in!


    • #3
      Get your mate to sit in the truck again.


      • #4
        One of your tyres bands could have collapsed causing it.
        If its not broke don't fix it.


        • #5
          You selected 4wd perhaps??
          What have I told you about thinking Erroll


          • #6
            maybe a bronze bush??? mine went like that, only a suggestion though.....


            • #7
              Originally posted by BigBobE View Post
              maybe a bronze bush??? mine went like that, only a suggestion though.....
              yours went after a spactacular wheel bearing failure didn't it Bob?
              What have I told you about thinking Erroll


              • #8
                The front prop should spin freely, if its still engaged you may get a vibe as it spins.

                Check your tyres arn't delaminating, spin them and look for high spot on tread.

                Also you may have a tight UJ, you'll need to take the prop off to spot this though.
                4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


                • #9
                  cheers people, the tyres on there are brand new kuhmo mud terrains. i hope they are not the problem. what do you mean bronze bush???
                  Completely bitten by the off road bug, and what better vehicle to do it in!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Cooler View Post
                    However as soon as i had dropped him off my truck started to vibrate intensly.
                    Did you run him over and catch him on something?
                    Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Cooler View Post
                      what do you mean bronze bush???
                      It's a bush (actually a pair) made of bronze. The front driveshafts run on them on their way through the hub.
                      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                      • #12
                        Well I have been under the truck for and hour or so checking it out. I had all for wheels off the ground and ran it in 2 and 4 wheel drive hi and lo, and all 6 gears. Come to the conclusion that the rear propshaft uj is knackered with major play. but looking round the rest of the drive train just how much play is normal.

                        I mean the rear diff has a bit of play, so does the transfer box, the front diff and the front half sharts where they join onto the hub. Its probably just normal but me being me is now worried like mad about it waiting for the next thing to explode.

                        And does anyone know where i can get new uj or rear prop from??
                        Completely bitten by the off road bug, and what better vehicle to do it in!


                        • #13
                          Milners and Roughtrax do the prop UJ's About 20 quid after tax and postage.
                          Sent from the iPad you "lost"

