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  • Help

    Evening all, I'm sure this is not the right place to start but help. I'd have started a new thread to go with all the others on the subject but am unable to work it out ! I'm trying to source a panhard rod drop bracket to bring my butt back in line on a recently purchased '93 2.4. with what looks like a 3" lift. My MOT station are not happy with the 1" + offset on the rear axle. Please help and advise? My apologies for butting in to your thread like this...

    I have moved this post to a thead of its own


  • #2
    I bought mine from 4crawler in the States. Not sure if anyone in the UK makes them anymore.



    • #3
      If you have over an inch of offset, it's not the lift, there's something else wrong.
      Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


      • #4
        Originally posted by Albannach View Post
        If you have over an inch of offset, it's not the lift, there's something else wrong.
        Agreed, something has had a hit by the sounds of it.

        Maybe dropped into a deep rut off road and smacked the rear wheel.

        Or if it has a body lift check the mounts and that the body has not shifted.


        • #5
          Oooh look - people are starting to take notice of me doing the maths years ago...

          "I have a 2" lift and I need an adjustable panhard rod..." shite.

          You cant ignore Pythagoras people!!!! He must be acknowledged!!! rotfl:
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            Originally posted by Apache View Post
            Oooh look - people are starting to take notice of me doing the maths years ago...

            "I have a 2" lift and I need an adjustable panhard rod..." shite.

            You cant ignore Pythagoras people!!!! He must be acknowledged!!! rotfl:
            Just remembered, this is Thursday...
            Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


            • #7
              <Barbara Dixon> "you know me soooo wellllllllll..."

              Looking forward to seeing you at the nags soon, ya big scottish jessie!
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world


              • #8
                Easy way for him to find out is to pop the panhard rod off the axle on the nearside and see if it straightens out. I doubt he's got any major problems.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wishbone View Post
                  Easy way for him to find out is to pop the panhard rod off the axle on the nearside and see if it straightens out. I doubt he's got any major problems.
                  Yeah, nothing on the Surf is what I'd call 'major' these days!
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world

