hi,read all about bulbs/ lamps and ordered some h4 xenom type off flea bay £2 odd, they arrived and i waited for a sunny day to swop em as it seems to be a bit of a do. Off i went battery off no prob, expansion off no prob, cover off no prob,clamp and rubber off no prob, swapped bulb noprob 5 mins,then stood back and said that was a piece of #### whats all the fuss about then thought betta test em b4 i put all of it back. again no probs great so moved onto drivers side again 5 mins no probs but in my rush put it all back together with out testing, to my shock yes you guessed it didnt work, hong kong fuey strikes again more fleabay cheap shite. put me old one back in in a huff seen me arse!!!!!!!!
anyway off now to order two more as there not bad ha ha
just havin a rant tarar 4 now
anyway off now to order two more as there not bad ha ha
just havin a rant tarar 4 now
