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Service History, previous owners etc

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  • Service History, previous owners etc

    Hi all, please forgive me if I missed it somewhere but is there a thread where we can list our car and find its previous owner? So many Surf's are imported without history and go on to have several UK owners. Although most of us do take care and maintain our Surf's there is quite often no paperwork.

    It would be so useful to have contact with previous UK owners.

    I'l start the ball rolling, 2.4 SSRX Reg K287 DTM will the previous owners come forward ???

  • #2
    Not all Surf owners know about this forum mate so it's a real long shot asking for that kind of info.

    If you're lucky you may find a Surf with some service history / bills from when it was imported into the UK. If it had any history prior to that it would be in Japanese!
    'Tis better to sting than to be stung!

